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The Top 10 Lessons I’ve Learned in 18 Years of Trading

top 10 wisdomI have been learning about the markets and trading them for nearly two decades now. Trust me, when I see this written out in text, it makes me realize two things:

  1. I am getting old, lol.
  2. I have learned A LOT in those 18 years.

In fact, I have learned so much that it can be difficult to even decide where to begin sometimes, when it comes to helping beginning traders. The industry has changed dramatically since I first started trading. I remember actually calling in my buy and sell orders to my broker, who does that anymore??!

As I grow older, I feel a deeper and deeper desire to give back and to help younger traders and those who are new to the game. Trading can be a very deceiving profession and if you do not spend the time to learn from those who have already been around the ‘block’ a few times, you’re going to waste a lot of time and money.

I sat down at a coffee shop whilst writing this and I had a very long think about the most important lessons I have learned in 18 years of trading the markets.

In no particular order and all equally important, here is what I decided are the top 10 things I’ve learned on my trading journey…

1. Be a defensive-minded trader.

The famous quote by Warren Buffet about losing money goes something like:

“Rule #1, Never lose money. Rule #2, never forget rule number one”.

Beginning traders often approach the market from the complete wrong mindset. They are just trying to make money as fast as possible, when in reality, they should be trying to protect their money as much as possible. You really cannot operate in both mental states at the same time. You have to pick between the two and if you do not choose to protect your money as much as possible, you’re probably going to lose it.

  • The best offense? A good defense.

You hear this a lot in the sporting world but it also applies to trading: The best offense is a good defense. Here’s why:

The way you achieve long-term consistent trading success is by being defensive in your approach. That means, you only trade when the market conditions are right, when all your trading plan criteria has been met. The goal of trading is not just to “make money”, but also to not lose money you have made! These are two different things that require extreme mental fortitude.

It is not surprising for a beginning trader to get lucky and hit a few good trades, or even to simply do well for a while by following their plan (not just lucky). However, it’s after doing well for a while that many, if not most, blow it. Traders get confident, cocky, arrogant, whatever you want to call it. The point is that winning feels good and it OFTEN goes to a trader’s head, quickly. All that good, defensive, slow, methodical work that you did to hit those winners tends to go flying out the window when the sensation of winning floods your brain with feel-good chemicals.

  • Preservation of trading capital is key to success

Working to preserve your trading capital is essentially how you behave in a defensive manner in the market.

Think about it like this: you want to have as much ‘ammo’ (money) in your ‘gun’ (trading account) as possible when the easy prey comes along. You do not want to be out there shooting at difficult prey that you aren’t going to catch, then when an easy subject comes along you only have one bullet left. You want that chamber full of bullets so you can secure the prey.

In trading, you want to preserve your risk capital for the ‘easy’ trade setups, those high probability price action signals that are so obvious they are literally speaking to you! You don’t want to waste your money on those ‘on the fence’ signals that you go digging for confirmation on the internet for. The best signals are super obvious, most of the time, and that is something I’ve definitely learned over the years.

You will never get upset with yourself (at least you shouldn’t) for taking a strong and confluent trade signal that fails, as long as you managed your risk properly. But, if you take a signal that you weren’t sure about, that “sort of” looked like a signal but “not really”, and you lose, you’re going to be kicking yourself.

My goal as a trader is to never feel like I want to kick myself after a trade, win, lose or draw.

2. Watching Charts & Monitoring Trades Will Actually Hurt Your Results

Often, in life, the more we meddle with something the worse it becomes. If you’re in an argument with your significant other and you continue to bring up that argument and rehash it, is that it going to be better than just dropping it and moving on? No, of course not. Most of the time, over-involvement is a negative thing and when we are too involved with our trades, it typically is a very, very bad thing.

How many times have you been in a trade and you kept checking it and you ended up adding to the position, closing it out too soon or doing something else that you otherwise wouldn’t have, and it ended up back-firing? This is very common and one of the biggest trading mistakes that causes traders to lose money.

  •  Enter your trades and then stop thinking about them

The easiest way to avoid the pitfall of over-watching and over-thinking about your trades? Set and forget. I know I’ve said it a lot, but I will say it again because it’s perhaps the most important trading lesson I have ever learned: the less involved you are with your trades, the better you’re going to do. This is why I have written articles on the set and forget trading approach and on focusing on daily chart time frames. You see, when you simply follow your trading plan and let the trades play out, let your trading edge play out uninterrupted, THAT is real skill, that is real discipline and passion. These traders who are just “running and gunning” instead of trading like a sniper, are not trading with skill or discipline, they are gambling. They can’t stop trading because they can’t forget about the market.

You have to literally forget about the market for a while when you have a trade on. The most effective way to do this is to not risk more than you are comfortable with losing. The number one reason traders start watching the charts too much and meddling with their trades, is that they’ve risked too much money on that trade.

3. The results of your last trade should not affect your next trade.

Another very, very important lesson that traders often do not learn or understand until years into their trading journey is that the outcome of your last trade has (and should have) zero bearing on your next trade. In other words, you should never let your last trade influence your next trade.

Every single trade you take is different and unique from the previous one(s). There literally are no two trade signals that are exactly the same. Even if they look the same, the surrounding market context will be different, so they aren’t the same. This is important to understand because traders often make assumptions about their next trade based off their last trade or past trades.

  • Winners and losers are random

The results of any trading edge / strategy are randomly distributed. What this means is, if you take 100 trades in a year and you had say 50 wins and 50 losses, the pattern of those wins and losses is totally random. You could have 10 losses in a row followed by 2 winners followed by 10 more losers, then followed by 20 winners. The question is, how are you going to handle such a random distribution of wins and losses? If you’re anything like most traders, you’re going to let it affect you very, very negatively. Can you handle 2 losses in a row? 5? How about 10? Most people can’t and that is why most people fail. It can be very hard to see the forest from the trees as a trader, but you have to if you want to succeed long-term.

What I mean by “see the forest from the trees” is not letting any single trade result distract you. If you start letting single trades influence you, you will lose sight of the bigger picture of what you’re supposed to be doing and what it takes to succeed long-term.

  • Be extra-careful after a big winner

Traders often become overly-fearful after a losing trade and overly-confident after a winner. Now, whilst neither is good, I feel it’s riskier to become over-confident. When you get over-confident you end up taking bigger risks in the market and this can obviously result in bigger losses, kicking off a cascade of emotions and trading mistakes that can literally wipe your account out in a day’s time. It’s important to take some time off after a trade closes out and calm down, reflect, breathe. The market will be there tomorrow, so always remember that. You should never feel like it’s “urgent” to be in a trade.

4. Doing LESS will actually get you MORE…

Most traders fail simply because they do too much. They do too much research (yes you can do too much research), too much reading, too much thinking about trading, too much watching the charts, too much trading in general.

It’s important to realize the power of doing nothing as a trader. Many times, if not most of the time, doing nothing is the most PROFITABLE thing you can do! Here’s why:

  • Low-frequency trading

Ok, I know this isn’t probably what you want to hear, but since when have I been worried about telling people what they want to hear and not what they NEED to hear?? Never.

There aren’t that many good trade signals on any given month in the markets. What I mean is, there simply is not a large amount of high-probability entry signals on any given week or month. Why? Well, because most of the price action in a market is just random meaningless noise.

Your mission, as a price action analysis trader, is to learn to filter the good trade signals from the bad by learning how to read the footprint of the market; the price action. Once you master this, you will quickly realize that good trades that are worth risking your money on are relatively infrequent. But, the good part is, you do not need to trade a lot to make a lot of money in the markets.

  • Hedge-fund trader’s mindset

A hedge-fund trader, controlling millions or billions in money, is not thinking about trading constantly. Instead, they are meticulously ‘combing’ through the price data of the markets they trade to find that ‘diamond in the rough’. They are looking for a high-probability trade that is WORTHY of risking their client’s precious capital on.

You should think like this too. It’s your money on the line, that you worked HARD for. So, do not throw it away on “so-so” setups that you think are “kinda, maybe” a good setup. Wait for those higher time frame trades on the 4-hour or daily chart time frame that are so obvious you’d feel stupid for not taking them.

Also, don’t overthink this. Often, traders think themselves right out of perfectly good trade setups. We have a tendency to start thinking “This trade is too good to be true” and so we settle for lower-probability trades that we feel good about because we spent 3 hours finding confirming news pieces on the internet that agree with the trade.

I am telling you, from 18 years of live-trading experience, the best trades are almost always the most obvious ones!

5. Know where you’re getting out BEFORE you get in!

When trading the markets, there is no boss, no “authority” figure telling you what to do. Hence, you have to make the rules. You have to discipline yourself and you have to hold yourself accountable. These are the reasons why most traders fail. Most people, left to their own devices, simply are not disciplined or self-controlled enough to do these things.

One mission-critical component of the trading process is determining your trade exit, BEFORE you click that buy or sell button. This is a huge lesson that took me multiple years early-on, to learn. Don’t let it take you that long!

  • The exit is MUCH harder than the entry!

The only way you’re going to make money as a trader is to remove yourself from the trade exit process as much as possible. The exit is where most people screw the whole thing up. I’ve written many articles on trade exits, but one you should definitely check out is this one on a simple trade exit plan, it will help you see why simple is better with trade exits.

Most traders exit based on emotion. Doing so, typically results in either a very small win or a large loss. Rarely do many traders exit when a trade is heavily in their favor. Why? Emotions. When you’re up big all you can think about are all the “reasons why” that winning position will grow even more. It doesn’t cross your mind that YOU’RE BEING GREEDY or that the best time to exit is when you’re up BIG. It’s exactly the same mindset of a casino-goer. They keep pulling that slot machine arm even when they’re up and they know they will probably give that money back.

You have to find a way to force yourself to exit when a trade is in your favor, not when it’s crashing back against you about to turn into a loser. The only fool-proof way to do this is to have a strict profit-taking plan that you follow religiously. If you leave the exit up to the moment, you will be left to exiting on your own discretion, which typically doesn’t end well for most people

6. Be out of the market much more than you’re in.

One of the most important lessons I have learned over my 18+ years of trading the markets, is that trading too much is a quick way to lose all your money.

Most traders come into the market and as soon as they fund their first live account they are off to the ‘races’, over-trading and dealing with the consequences later. It’s a difficult lesson to learn, and most traders don’t actually learn it until they’ve lost more money than they can stand to think about, but the fact is, if you do not learn to trade with low-frequency, you’re going to find yourself losing at a high-frequency.

  • Get comfortable with the daily chart time frame

If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you know that I have written many articles about the power of higher time frame charts and why you should focus on them. One of the biggest reasons to focus on higher time frames is that they act as a natural ‘filter’ for all the noise of the market and if you follow your trading plan strictly you will naturally trade less often just by focusing on them.

The daily chart is really the key to technical analysis in my opinion. Learn to trade the daily chart first and foremost and center your entire trading strategy around it and you will already be light-years ahead of the masses of traders out there day trading all their money away.

7. Can you fall asleep and sleep soundly at night?

You will find a million different risk management strategies on the internet, but most of them either don’t work, are illogical or overly-complicated. In all my years of trading I have found no better way to gauge if I’m risking too much than the sleep test.

The most important measure of risk for a trader is their per-trade dollar (or whatever currency your account is in) risk. Meaning, what is your R-number, or your dollars risked per trade? If you don’t know this number, you’re already failing.

  • The money management sleep-test

The single best way to test if you’re risking too much money per trade is to determine if you are preoccupied with that trade. In other words, are you thinking about the trade even when you’re away from your charts? Are you laying in bed thinking about that money you have risked? Are you waking up at night and sneaking downstairs to check the charts on your laptop? Or worse, laying in your bed checking on your phone?

If you are doing any or all of the above, you have a serious issue that needs fixed ASAP.

The ONLY way to have a fighting chance at sticking around long enough in the market to hit enough big market moves to make money, is by making sure you aren’t risking too much money per trade.

If you find you are overly-worried about your trades and you cannot sleep because of it, then back off the risk until you can easily fall asleep. Reduce your position size on your next trade and keep reducing it until you can confidently close up your charts and not be worried or overly preoccupied with your trades. Trust me on this, it works and it will help you avoid many other trading mistakes that are the result of risking too much!

8. Know what the h$%! you’re doing before you start trading real money!

This one may seem obvious, but many traders start trading real money without actually understanding how to use the platform their using or having a trading strategy. They are, for all practical purposes, gambling. Don’t be like them.

There are a few things you NEED to do before you star trading real money, if you don’t want to lose it all right away that is.

  • Master your trading strategy

I feel like this point is so obvious, but or many traders it is something they gloss over. You simply cannot start trading live without having mastered your trading strategy. Doing so is like trying to fly a commercial airliner without any training and hoping you don’t crash. Not gonna happen.

I obviously recommend you learn and trading with my price action strategies that I detail in my trading courses, but more important FOR YOU, is to make sure that whatever strategy you do use, you both commit to it and master is before going live. Don’t waffle and wander. Don’t try combining a bunch of different trading methods, this doesn’t work, trust me.

  • Master your money management

As I said in point 7 above, you have to be able to sleep at night with the money you are risking in the market if you want to have a chance at long-term success, so first figure out what that dollar amount is for YOU. Don’t stray from that dollar amount or increase it until you’re seeing consistent success.

  • Demo trade it first

Both of the two sub-points above, mastering your trading strategy and money management are things you need to demo trade for 2-4 months before going live. You must learn the mechanics of the platform you’re using before you start risking real money on it, or else you will lose money just to making stupid mistakes like inputting the wrong position size, etc.

9. Have you mastered yourself yet? If not, you need to.

If I had to give you just once piece of trading advice, the most important lesson I have learned in 18 years of trading, it is to master yourself if you want to master the markets.

Until you deal with the mental / emotional weaknesses that you have (we all have some), you will never make consistent money as a trader. Trading success is much more the result of going on a personal journey and conquering the pitfalls and ‘enemies’ in your mind, than  the trading method you use. Most traders don’t realize this fact until it’s too late.

  • Check your ego at the door

Ego-check. Leave it at the door or it will eat you alive in the markets, every time. Being confident is a great quality in life and for a trader, but there’s a very fine line between being “confident” and being overly-confident, and it’s a line you cannot afford to cross, literally. Over-confidence sneaks up on even the greatest of traders, leading them to take a trade they probably shouldn’t have taken or leading them to make other mistakes. Typically, a trader becomes over-confident after hitting a few good winning trades, they then let this go to their heads and start over-trading because they feel like they have some secret trading power now. This is very, very dangerous.

  • Show me a disciplined person and I’ll show you a good trader

What is self-discipline in regards to trading? We talk about it “discipline” a lot, but what does it look like as a trader? It looks like this: You just exited a very profitable trade, you’re feeling great, feeling wonderful. What you do next will tell me if you’re disciplined enough to KEEP making money, or not.

A disciplined trader will do nothing out of the ordinary at this point. They will continue with their trading plan. In fact, they will probably close the computer and come back tomorrow when the euphoric-feeling they got from winning subsides. You can and should build things like this into your trading plan. For example, you have a section called “What to do after a winning trade” where you detail how you will leave the market along for 24-48 hours after a winner,

An undisciplined trader, upon closing out a nice winner, will immediately jump back into the market, or jump back into a trade that same day. This is almost always a mistake. RARELY is there going to be a high-probability trade signal waiting for you right after you just exited a big winning trade. Trust me.

10. Confluence is King

As far as your actual trade entries go, the most important lesson I’ve learned over my 18+ years in the market is that the more confluence a trade has, the better. Confluence in trading means multiple supporting factors intersecting or lining up in support of a trade.

Typically, on the charts this looks like a clear signal combined with a key chart level in the context of a trending market. I call this the T.L.S. method or Trend, Level, Signal. Ideally, you’ll have all 3 lining up, but you can get away with just 2 of the 3.

  • If you want a trade entry “system”, here it is:

Many traders want mechanical trading systems with strict rules to follow, to eliminate the potential for human error. Whilst I am generally not a proponent of mechanical / rigid trading systems like robot trading, the T.L.S. method can be a form of mechanical trading for a price action trader.

You simply write into your trading plan that any trade you take MUST have the trend, level and signal in agreement, or you don’t enter it. These types of things are good for beginning traders, to build confidence and discipline. I recommend you try this if you’re new or struggling.


As you can see, I could write an entire library on all the things I have learned from my 18+ years trading the markets. However, everything must come to an end, so I am going to wrap up today’s lesson with the following insight I’ve learned from my time “in the trenches”:

The best traders are humble and open-minded. They know they could lose on any trade and they trade accordingly. Traders start losing and doing poorly when they start believing they know something “for sure” in the market and (or) they start getting careless and undisciplined.

Trading the markets is truly a double-edged sword in that it can be the best way to make money; don’t have to drive anywhere, no boss, unlimited profit potential, very low barrier to entry and low ongoing costs. Or, it can be the fastest way to lose money IF YOU let it be. Always remember, you are in control of yourself and THAT is your real power in the market and the only chance you have at beating your opponents at this game. Self-control is something that you will either learn from mentors like me or that you’ll learn the hard, expensive way. Given enough time, the market will eventually teach you every lesson you need to know but you’ve got to ask yourself, do you have enough money and mental fortitude to stick around long enough to learn the hard way?

What Did You Think Of This Lesson ? Post Your Thoughts In The Comments Below :)

Nial Fuller

About Nial Fuller

is a Professional Trader, Investor & Author who is considered ‘The Authority’ on Price Action Trading. His blog is read by over 200,000+ followers and he has taught 25,000+ students since 2008. In 2016, Nial won the Million Dollar Trader Competition. Checkout Nial's Professional Trading Course here.
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  1. AnjaliRana

    thanks for given the wonderful blog. this information is very helpful and interesting .

  2. Mithun Money Market

    Thank you for your valuable information. Keep going

  3. Sergei

    thanks Nial. useful lessons from you get, thank you!!!

  4. ulrich wehrmeyer

    Many thanks, Nial, this was an excellent trading lesson with a lot of content, experience and insight. It will improve my trading!

    Best regards


    • Zinnur

      A strong lesson, thank you for your help.

  5. Emmanuel Dwamena

    Very very good material. Will highly recommend to every new trader.
    A must read even when you feel you have everything you need to trade successfully.

  6. Благодарность

    Mr. Nial! article super, many thanks for your works

  7. pola p

    hahahaha….. i love this one ===…. because they feel like they have some secret trading power now. This is very, very dangerous.

  8. Ralph Spangenberg

    Thank you Nial, I’ve been using TLS for awhile now and it brings more clarity to the big picture. I’ve also taken your advice and have widened my stops and Limits, allowing me to “set and forget”. I am concentrating now on signals and patterns and watch as many of your videos I find.

  9. king

    Am blown away by the way you touch on the most important aspects to keep in mind as new traders as I’ve already read some of these things in other books and that makes you a real mentor who shld be listened to by many, believe me as I’ve already tried some on a demo.

  10. Joan


  11. Hans

    Good point chief!

  12. Edeh Francis I.

    Thank you so much for this lecture. It is wonderful and an eye opener. I have seen places of my mistakes and promise to correct it as soon as possible. Live longer to help others. Be blessed.

  13. Edeh Francis I.

    Thank you so much for this lecture. It is wonderful and an eye opener. I have seen places of my mistakes and promise to correct it as soon as possible. Live longer to help others be blessed.

  14. Rodrigo Takashi

    Thank you so much for sharing learning.
    very learning absorbed, in the right time each learning is going to fit, and you realize that you are on the right path.
    Thank you Nial.

  15. Isaac

    Great lessons Nial. Thanks so much

  16. Ryan

    Very well put out and explained.

    Thanx Nail for caring…

  17. Ages Justice

    Thank you Mentor. You are indeed an Authority. Following you have been fun and profitable. God bless you real good.

  18. Edwin Chuma

    powerful article

  19. Gabriel R.

    Great and usefull advices. I do agree with all the points.
    Thank you Nial !

  20. Grant S

    It’s a great article !

  21. Philip

    words are not enough Nial, soon i will achieve consistency in this game and a lot of credit will go to you. #my all time mentor.

  22. ck

    i am very sure you are a very experienced trader. I do agree with all the points…i also a full time trader..your article has gelp to uplift me..thanks

  23. Aron

    I am getting myself applying this knowledge to every thinking of finance in my life time. I am using it to position my self in life accordingly. The information on its own gives me discipline to carefully flow with the financial global market with a peace of mind. Thanks Nial

  24. Lesiba J. Rametse

    Thank you Nial as always but more especially for point 8,9 and 10.Thank you for always opening our eyes wide as always.God bless you.

  25. Sam

    Hullo Nial
    this info was well summarised and well aligned . You have reminded me of the greatest component which is discipline in the markets
    Thanks my Mentor!

  26. Pius

    Best ever lesson for me. Remain blessed.

  27. Syed

    Hi Nial
    The take away from this I dont have control over the market i only have control of my self.
    Thank you

  28. Chijioke Ekeocha

    Great Job well done. Everytime I read your article, there must be something new to learn. You’re a great teacher and mentor. God bless you Nial. Chijioke.

  29. Norbert

    outstanding lesson indeed.

  30. Gorci

    Very powerful article. We simple must leave (alter) the beliefs about fast profits = get rich quick beliefs. And start all over again, but we don’t Nedd to forget good things that we learn. To make money in this market it’s a lot easier then it’s seam. Have nice day to all. Thanks Nial

  31. Prebi

    I must confess this has been one of my greatest reads……. standing on your shoulder, I’m seeing far more than many! Thank you sir!

  32. Belema Asueifien

    Nice one Nial, thanks for sharing your experiences

  33. Nazir H. Mughal

    Your experience and trading stories are really great and precious guidelines for novice and beginners, rather for less experienced traders. I have also learned lot of trading techniques and strategies from your articles. Your articles and bloogs are just like a that light, which can do help to show the right way to stranger in that crucial time.

  34. thony G

    Thanks very much , an amazing articles that will keep some of us grounded

  35. imraaan

    Priceless lessons…………..Thanks Nial………….

  36. Daniel Blessman

    Amazing piece of wisdom displayed here by you Nial thanks…me a believer if you want to fly like an eagle you either fly with it or learn to fly from it..Nial you are the eagle we are crows that needs to learn not to be exactly as the eagle but to be good as it is.

  37. Jane

    Great piece. Thanks for the advice

  38. Emmanuel

    Excellent stuff!

  39. Robert Gale

    Some years back when I was first starting out, I was at a trading seminar. One point that the speaker emphasised a couple of times was … “Your primary 12 month goal/objective should be to have every penny in your account that you started out with!”
    The majority of the room, including myself, were a little incredulous as we weren’t taking up trading just to end up where we started.
    I have since learned that his advice, which echoes your first point , was worth its weight in gold.
    Thanks Nial.

  40. Richard

    Thank You Nial;

    You understanding the precious gift of; THE MORE YOU GIVE THE MORE YOU RECEIVE.

    Good Day


  41. Oliver

    Nial you do it like a fine wine…Itvkeeos getting better by the day. Thanks a lot for this piece.

  42. Brian Staggs

    Thank you Nial for sharing your 18 years experience with me, which is much appreciated. I have learned a lot from your view and comments on the market.

  43. matt

    honestly ur a God sent to people lyk me, i can’t stop thanking u for the good job ur doing by pouring out ur years of experience in the market which is now serving as a guide to so many of urs

  44. nalubwama prossy

    Thanks Nail for the above information , it really helps . May God bless you.

  45. Aslam

    Hi Nial,

    This covers all important point of a good trader.

    Wonderful article and I leaned lot from this today.

    I need to change some of my trading patterns to be like a professional trader.

    Thank you.

  46. Hettie

    Hi Nial, this is Scary but true. but scary is good, because then you keep the discipline. and i thought i was disciplined until I met you. The first time i made $100 clear profit i was exited for days, but follow the rules of leaving the market alone… and the next trade a week later, profited again. thanks for sharing it. We need to hear and reread this often

  47. Nick Denton

    Hi Nial,
    It would be really good if you could alert us to your next trading opportunity when that occurs.
    The once-a-week charts are fine but it is hard to see when these turn into real trading opportunities.
    As you say it can take ages for a trade opportunity to arise and my experience is that to get a confluence of markers is really rare.

  48. Rahmath

    Thank you Nial for all wisdom words from your article. Very inspiring.

  49. Anne

    Thanks Neil very good article

  50. Retin

    I have copied this and i will read it daily for the next 100 days.
    And i am determine to follow through.
    Thank you sir.

  51. Halldor Jonsson

    How true is every single item.

  52. Ted Wilson

    Nial, I have started trading live in the Forex market after a year of practice. Somehow, suddenly, things are different using real money. I think your lesson is spot on and the epitome of wisdom. I need to be constantly reminded of this until I can program my brain to use these principles automatically. Appreciate this article and glad I decided to read it.

  53. James George

    The nail has been hit on the head, again. Thanks.

  54. Lucas

    Thank you Nial. Please advice, I’m having trust issues, which broker do you recommend for me to trade with.

  55. Chandler Thibodaux

    Incredible amount of information in one place. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!

  56. WL Taba

    Nial, thank you for sharing the best advice with regards to trading the market.

  57. kuma

    Everything together for new traders to remind all detail lessons

  58. Gabrie


    This has been a great lesson, it sounded like I was the example for the lesson,all the issues raised here I have happened to me

    And I have learnt the hard, I decided to get back to Demo account do slot of studying while developing my strategy and overall understand the market

    Thank you

  59. terry j shead

    Excellent advice Nial.

  60. rossen dimitrov

    The Lesson is GOLD

  61. Joseph

    That’s exactly what we need. Thank you so much.

  62. Catherine

    Thank you Nial, it’s a really valuable article and thank you for sharing your experiences!

  63. Maureen

    I will like to start the trade but i am afraid can you help me

  64. Tiago

    Amazing Nial!

  65. Catherine

    Great lesson. Thankyou nial

  66. Marko Thomas

    Hi, Nial. i will print it out and hang it on my wall. So i won’t forget your fundamental, truly, wisely,……. Words. Thanks for sharing your wisdom. I’m sure this will bring me to my next level. Wish you all the best, Marko

  67. Sergio

    Very educational article, specially for biginners like myself. Thank you, Sergio


    The level of wisdom that you repeatedly articulate, especially considering your youthful status, embraces not only the art of trading but also a very mature understanding of life and the human psyche with all of its potential and all of its frailties!

  69. GANGAdhara RAI

    Eye opener to all. Tq.

  70. Geoffrey

    Once again it is always great to study your articles to keep me on track. Especially after a series of losses

  71. Chynado

    Is interesting always the kind of lessons u give us here. Honestly, you are a very sincere mentor. I trade with KISS at the back of my mind always.
    Keep it up boss!!

  72. Arogundade Olanrewaju

    Great lessons indeed. Thank you mr. Nial
    Lanre, Nigeria

  73. Hsiang

    As the Chinese says, “The old ginger is still the hottest”. Thanks for your advise Nial!

  74. salvatore

    PERFECT article, described with clarity and wisdom,
    thank you so much, Nial
    you are a great one
    ps: sorry for the english not perfect


    Through your article, I noticed: No emphasis on ‘News Trading, Indicators, Day Trading, Scalping etc” . Which characterizes most analysis. Your article is very SIMPLE,SINCERE, SERENE.
    No complications, not boring and not ‘compelling’ to become rich quick.
    Thank you for your DESIRE to give back.

  76. Brain Tareemwa

    Great stuff Nial. Thanks for sharing.

  77. Guoli Zhang

    Thanks you so much Mr. Nial for sharing such a valuable article which is the crystallization of your over 18 years experiences and wisdom!!!!!!

    After taking you lessons, I had experienced a short time winning trades, but such happy days ended soon, and over the past two to three months, a cascade of losses, without nearly one obvious winning, almost hit me down.

    What I found is that, the more I learn either from you or from other mentors, the worse my trading results and the reason for this uncommon phenomenon is that I may have forgot the most primary, most simple and most effective trading guidelines/strategies taught by you. And I also concluded that, the problem is not to learn more about trading, the problem lies in I have not successfully integrated them into one system which suits me well. I am doing this job while trading with very small position although every trades ends up failure, I keep doing this to calibrate my trading habit or process.

    It is a real long way before achieving consistent and stable profiting. Many prices we have to pay, either in terms of time or money.

    However, I will go forward step by step on the Forex trading road with your guidance, Nial.

    Thanks again!

    Gl, Zhang

    • kp

      Sounds like you should go back to a DEMO account for a while to find your winning ways

  78. Enéias Nascimento

    Perfect article, Nial. I was reading and wishing that text not to end.

    I want to thank you, cause my entire style of trading changed by the lessons I learned here.

    I was a day trader, doing everything wrong. Now, since months ago, my results have getting better, so better. My life style changed from water to wine.

    So, I wish God bless you very much.

    Thank you

  79. Jared Grant

    Awesome article. It is somewhat astonishing that success only requires discipline and a trading plan and yet most people will never achieve it. Thanks for sharing the lessons learned!


    Grear Nial. Thanks for this

  81. Debasis Mukhopadhyay

    Fabulous. Your articles are definitely getting more powerful over time. For a newish and still struggling trader wondering where he is going wrong, this article is an absolute godsend.
    I believe you when you say that this stems from your desire to give back. Had you not had that desire, you would never have been able to produce this article.
    Looking forward to your next one and lol.

  82. Robert


    Many thanks for a very good and valuable statement!


  83. Bongani Muthisi

    Masterpiece sir Nial Fuller. The wise will hear and increase in learning.

  84. Claude W

    Stay blessed Nial. Once again, a remarkable piece!

  85. Rahwa

    Thank tou Nial. you are changing my trading style and my life.I followed you articles around 4 years,and I did not make money and I did not blow my trading account. But in the near future I will be one of the 10% successfull trades. thank you NIAL. May God bless you and your whole family.
