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Nial Fuller

Professional Trader, Author & Coach

6 Beliefs That Will Destroy Your Trading Account

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By in Forex Trading Tutorials September 19th, 2013 | 42 Comments

stop destructive trading beliefs Our beliefs heavily influence how we feel and think about everything in life, and in trading, our beliefs are quite literally what determines our success or failure. Indeed, what we believe about anything, determines how we act and react to it. For example, if you believe flying is “scary” and “unsafe”, then you’re going to be sweating and clenching your fists while you’re flying, even though statistically it is much safer than driving.

In today’s lesson, I am going to outline 6 of the most common ‘trading account destroying beliefs’ that I read regularly on the email support line from traders. These are beliefs that are very limiting and self-destructive and you probably believe at least one or even all of them right now. If you want to move forward in your trading, you’re going to have to eliminate these account-destroying trading beliefs, so let’s get to work…

1) “Trading is my last hope, I am desperate to make this work”

If you currently believe something along the lines of “trading is my only option for success or happiness in life”, then you are probably never going to make any serious money as a trader. A person with a ‘desperate’ trading mindset, who believes that trading is their last hope for financial success or attainting their dreams, is starting off with the wrong attitude and outlook.

Whilst it might seem a little bit ‘unfair’ and perhaps frustrating to some, it is almost impossible to become a successful trader if you have a lot of internal anxiety and anticipation to make money in the market. People who are relaxed and who do not feel any “need” to make money in the markets are rewarded by this type of disposition. If you do not naturally have this type of disposition then you will probably have to do a little more ‘work’ to develop it, but do not fear, because you can do it.

The most important thing to understand about this belief is that trading is not your ‘last hope’ and you are not ‘desperate’, if you feel this way then you need to do something to fix it. Put your time into your job, even if you don’t like it, make yourself financially secure, because the less you feel like you “need” trading to work out for you, the easier it will become to make money at it. It sounds like a paradox, because it is, but it’s one you have to deal with and conquer if you want to become successful trader.

2) “I need to win THIS TRADE”

From the emails I get and the traders that I help on a regular basis, I know that one of the most prevalent beliefs that holds traders back is believing that every trade should or needs to be a winner. Traders put FAR too much emphasis on any one trade they take, forgetting or being unaware of the FACT that their trading edge has a random distribution of winners and losers and thus ANY one trade has basically an equal chance of being a winner or a loser. Don’t mistake this for meaning that your trading strategy is only a gamble. The difference is that your trading edge takes a SERIES of trades to play out, but no individual trade can really be said to have a 60% win percentage for example, even if your overall trading edge does.

If you can detach yourself from the feeling of needing to win on every trade, it will help you unlock your true trading potential. Some professional traders might have more losers than winners, but the key is that they might have a lot of little losing trades complemented by some much larger winning trades that more than offset their losers. They are able to take more losing trades than winners because they do not get attached to any one position, if a trade is not doing what they think it should be doing, based on their finely tuned discretionary trading sense, they have no problem closing it out for a 1R or less, loss. They know that it’s only a matter of time before their trading edge hits upon a nice winner that will make them some serious coin for the month. In other words, they are using logic and knowledge to overcome the temptation to become emotional about any one trade that they take, they have no emotional attachment to their trades.

To clarify, I am not saying you should enter a lot of trades or that pro trader always enters a lot of trades. However, it is not uncommon for a professional trader to lose a higher percentage of trades than he or she wins, but it does not matter because they keep their losers small and they are totally fine with swallowing losses as they wait for a winner to hit.

3) “Trading will fix all my financial problems”

Many traders come into the market with a ton of debt, a job they are trying to escape from and a dream of making millions in the market in what is an unrealistic amount of time. In other words, they think trading is going to fix all their financial problems, and this is yet another erroneous and self-limiting belief you will need to eradicate before you move forward in your trading.

As mentioned in point 1 above; you need to already be financially secure before you start trading a live account. That doesn’t mean you have to be rich or even “well-off”, it just means that if you are drowning in debt and you have $1,000 to your name, then you should clearly not be risking any money in the market. People in this type of situation can still learn how to trade and practice on demo, but you have to gauge your current personal financial situation and be realistic about when you should start trading live. You cannot put all your eggs in the trading basket and hope to get lucky, because luck runs out very fast in the market. You cannot rely on “luck” to make you a professional trader.

I get emails from people almost every day who clearly should NOT be trading live, but they do anyways. They think if they can “just” build their account up a little bit then they will be safe. They think “I’ll build my account up a little and THEN I’ll start managing my risk better and following a trading plan”, etc etc. All of these things result from starting to trade live when you are not financially secure enough to do so. So, don’t believe trading is a “fix-all” for your finances, because it is not. Think of it more as a complement to your current job and a tool to use to supplement your income and then later, potentially replace it. However, you need to already be at a certain baseline starting point to have a chance at really propelling yourself up and into a consistently profitable trader.

4) “I need to build my trading account really fast”

No you don’t, you need to learn how to trade properly first. It could take you 5 years to build your account up to a level that you are happy with, but if you try to rush it, you will only push yourself further back from your goal. Traders who try to “rush” the account-building process by trading too frequently and risking too much per trade, inevitably end up losing significant amounts of money and thus putting themselves much further behind.

A quote from professional trader Marty Schwartz in my Market Wizards article sums it up best, “Also, don’t increase your position size until you have doubled or tripled your capital. Most people make the mistake of increasing their bets as soon as they start making money. That is a quick way to get wiped out.”

5) “I’ll start trading with discipline and patience AFTER I build up my trading account”

I know that many beginning and struggling traders think they will “skip” the hard parts of trading, like being disciplined and patient, and then LATER come back to them after they’ve made XYZ amount of money. Unfortunately, this is just hope and greed getting the best of you and this type of thinking only ever leads to one thing; losing money.

It’s similar to working out and eating healthy, in that the longer you put it off, the harder it becomes. People who say they will do something “later” or when “XYZ” happens, often never do it. Just do it NOW if you know what needs to be done. There are no “short-cuts” in trading, just like most other things in life. The more you “suck it up” and do the hard work now, the easier it will become and will continue to be as your trading career progresses. You have to ignore the near-term temptation to over-trade and risk more than you know you should for the longer-term reward of consistently profitable trading.

6) “More trades means more opportunities to make money”

Another extremely dangerous belief that I know many traders hold, is that they will somehow make more money if they trade more frequently. I’ve realized over the years that over-trading is the most widespread mistake amongst traders, and it’s also the most “in-disguise” mistake that traders make. What I mean by “in-disguise” is that very often a trader is over-trading and isn’t even aware that they are doing it. This is because many traders become convinced that more trades equals more opportunities, however, what they forget about is that not all trading opportunities are created equal.

The way that I trade and the way I teach my members to trade is essentially to look for high-quality / high-probability price action trade setups and to sit on your hands when none are present, in other words, quality over quantity. I have personally been trading this way most of my trading career and it has worked very well for me and for other successful traders that I know.

There are essentially two paths that people go down as they learn how to trade; they can either work to become a skilled trader with a finely tuned discretionary trading sense, or they can decide to just gamble their money away by constantly being in the market and over-trading. The market is like a blank slate that provides equal opportunities for any participant, it is your job to spot opportunities (trades) worth betting your hard-earned money on and sitting on the sidelines for those that are lower-quality. You need to lose the belief that more opportunities equals more profits, because in trading this is not the case. The word “opportunity” often gets misused by traders, just because you CAN enter the market on a 30 minute trade setup for example, does not necessarily mean that you SHOULD, and although you might consider such a setup an “opportunity”, there will be far better trading opportunities on the higher time frames or on a different day, you just to have patience.

If you’d like to learn more about how to develop constructive trading beliefs and how to find high-probability trading opportunities, checkout my forex trading course for more information.

Nial Fuller

About Nial Fuller

is a Professional Trader, Investor & Author who is considered ‘The Authority’ on Price Action Trading. His blog is read by over 200,000+ followers and he has taught 25,000+ students since 2008. In 2016, Nial won the Million Dollar Trader Competition. Checkout Nial's Professional Trading Course here.
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  1. David Jacobs

    I am very happy with the articles that you make. The more I read your trading articles the more I believe that I can make it, your handouts are great.

  2. shakti

    Like sachine u r god of market……

  3. Ugbobor John

    I ve been reading all ur work….they ar all good and adding to my trading knowledge…tnks sir

  4. anko de vries

    it takes time to become a trader and alsoo to make money

  5. Abdul Rasheed

    It’s not just an article but a psychometric survey and alert. Thanks Nial.

  6. Dhani

    Hi Nial..

    One of these points hit me.. and I have nothing except to admit that it was true. Thank you.

    Sincerely, Dhani

  7. Irfan Javed

    Hi Nial, thanks again for the valuable sharings. really appreciated as always!
    Thanks For Such Nice Article. I totally agree with you Sir.

    Kind regards,


  8. kumar

    Thanks Nial
    Realy true,hard to maintain but we have to do.

  9. Neville

    Thanks Nial for your wisdom you are a great mentor.

  10. AMRESH

    I entered the commodity market with the same set of belief and greed 3 years ago but due to lack of proper trading strategy, my trades are not profitable.
    I would like to know if your trading course are useful in commodities segment also ?

    • Nial Fuller

      Price Action strategies can be applied to any market.

  11. Usman

    The more I read your trading articles the more I believe that I can make it, your handouts are great.
    Thank you.

  12. Pankaj

    Thanks a lot for this valuable article.

  13. Lyte

    Thanks Nial. I learn so much from your articles with todays lesson most inspirational. Your course and your expertise continues to redefine my trading. Awesome!

  14. naveen

    Nial sir, I am having all these 6 beliefs. I am trading with borrowed money, wants to get rid of my job and thinking trading is my last hope and desperately trying to increase my account.

  15. kiptanui

    Very enlightening article!
    THANKS A LOT NIAL, for continuously sharing such insightful articles with us.

  16. ann

    I totally agree with you Sir. Point no1 was what I thought I should settle for,
    this great article has changed that perception for my good and success in this profession. Thank you Sir..

  17. raju


  18. festus

    beliefs 1 and4 were my problems. i lost so much money to them. now i know better

  19. Gye Bennetts

    Thank you Nial, this are the type of articles that make all the difference to me. These are the only things I can really work on Gye

  20. Chaminda

    I have been really guilt for No.4 of your lesson, Instead of aiming 4R or 5R each month, now I made my goal to make some profit each month. Since it is more helpful for me to not to over trade, also the thinking of the market as a supplement or addiitional income to my finance…. make more sense.

    Great article !!!!!!!!!

    Best Regards.

  21. Chong

    I learn lot form this article.

  22. Duke

    A thought provoking article.

    An excellent and superior thought process eloquently presented.

    Very well thought out – evidence of a “thinking mind” at work.

    Well done Nial.

    Kind regards


  23. Nsibande Mzabalazo

    Thank you Mr Fuller

  24. dr.raj.patil

    wow,very usefull info,many thx sir

  25. Anthony

    Great lesson, Very Enlightening for me, Thanks Nial GBU

  26. Luca

    Thank you

  27. Norman

    Hi Nial, thanks again for the valuable sharings. really appreciated as always!

  28. Scott Lawson

    Great article, Nial, as usual! Habits of successful traders are habits that are transferable to being successful in any facet of life – discipline, patience, and a positive mindset. Good stuff.

  29. evans sila

    I have been a victim of no.6 ‘more trades more money’ now i know better than that,
    thanks a lot Nial.

  30. Dessie Neill

    Article makes a lot sense – now I need to find a way to ingrain these “truths” into my thinking before I enter my office and before I finally decide to enter a trade by quickly reflecting on essence of the 6 points you mentioned. I used to solely trade only 15min chart using the Steve Mauro method. This was burning me out up all night watching nearly every candle close. Now you have turned me to the 4 hr only. I have read many of your other lessons over and over again making notes on your key thoughts. I have made 100’s Flashcards of Entry Set Ups – now I wait like your “crocodile lesson” identify the set-up set the trade at your suggested 1 to 3 Risk/Reward. I then “click and Forget” and walk out of the room. Thanks for helping me turn the corner.

  31. gustav

    well, I’m glad to say that after following your commentary and applying some of the principles learned from you i’m no longer an emotional trader. I now risk less whereas in the beginning i used to feel the urge to pump up my trading account by risking more than i could afford. So thank you Nail.

  32. Nikos

    Absolutely correct.

    Athens Greece.

  33. mattockman

    Great article Nial. Unfortunately I can put my hands up and admit I am guilty of 3 or 4 of the points you have identified. As you have said on numerous occasions / lessons in the past, it’s just one big psychological battle.

    Thanks again

  34. Tomal

    Thanks For Such Nice Article

  35. abishai

    wow!….it’s as if you read my mind!!! i am actually guilty of the first four points. thank you for this wonderful piece else i would have destroyed my self faster before i invest.THANKYOU once again.

  36. Mark Arnejo

    That is a very well written article and a wonderful advice Nial, Thank you for always sharing


  37. Alex

    Thanks a lot. It`s very useful for me.

  38. Happy

    sounds really me…. need a lot of time to recover. Keep up the excellent work Nial.. Greeting from Indonesia…

  39. kamal Ranasinghe

    thank you for Your lot of Help

  40. Nymphish

    It’s a human behavior to make possible things according to their own believe. This article is just awesome. Most of the trader fails to survive due to their believe though they do wrong. I hope this article must help traders to develop their trading ability.

  41. Geetha

    Really true,
    Wonderful article, sir.
