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My Price Action Signals – Pin Bars, Fakey’s & Inside Bars

In this lesson am going to share with you three of my favorite price action signals; pin bars, inside bars and fakeys. These price action signals are simple yet very powerful, and if you learn to trade them with discipline and patience you will have a very potent Forex trading edge.

Whilst these three price action setups are my ‘core’ setups, there are many other versions and variations of them that we focus on in our members’ community and advanced price action trading course. However, you can learn some good basics in this article to lay the foundation for future learning.

So, without further delay, let’s get this party started…

Pin Bar Setup:

pinThe pin bar is a staple of the way I trade the Forex market. It has a very high accuracy rate in trending markets and especially when occurring at a confluent level. Pin bars occurring at important support and resistance levels are generally very accurate setups. Pin bars can be taken counter trend as well, as long as they are very well defined and protrude significantly from the surrounding price bars, indicating a strong rejection has occurred, and preferably only on the daily chart time frame. See the illustration to the right for an example of a bearish pin bar (1st bar) and a bullish pin bar (2nd bar) —>

In the following chart example we will take a look at pin bars occurring within the context of a trending market; my favorite way to trade them. Also, note that this uptrend began on the back of two bullish pin bars that brought an end to the existing downtrend.


Fakey Setup:

fakeyThe fakey trading strategy is another bread and butter price action setup. It indicates rejection of an important level within the market. Often times the market will appear to be headed one direction and then reverse, sucking all the amateurs in as the professionals push price back in the opposite direction. The fakey setup can set off some pretty big moves in the Forex market.

As we can see in the illustration to the right, the fakey pattern essentially consists of an inside bar–> setup followed by a false break of that inside bar and then a close back within its range. The fakey entry is triggered as price moves back up past the high of the inside bar (or the low in the case of a bearish fakey).

In the chart below we can see the market was recently moving higher before the fakey formed. Note the fakey was formed on the false-break of an inside bar setup that occurred as all the amateurs tried to pick the market top, the pros then stepped in and flushed out all the amateurs in a flurry of buying…


Inside Bar Setup:

insidebar1The inside bar is a great trend continuation signal, but it can also be used as a turning point signal. However, the first way to learn how to trade the inside bar strategy is as a continuation signal, so that is what we will focus on here, more info on the inside bar and all the ways to trade it can be found in my advanced price action trading course. As we can see in the illustration to the right, an inside bar is completely contained within the range of–>  the previous bar

It shows a brief consolidation and then a break out in the dominant trend direction. Inside bars are best played on daily and weekly charts. They allow for very small risks and yet very large rewards. The inside bar strategy combined with a very strongly trending market is one of my favorite price action setups.

In the example below, we are looking at a current (as of this writing) EURUSD inside bar trade setup that has come off to the downside with the existing bearish market momentum. We can see a nice inside bar setup formed just after the market broke down below a key support level, the setup has since come off significantly lower and is still falling towards the next support at 1.2625, as of this writing. Many of our members are in on this trade as we’ve discussed it extensively in both the members forum and the daily member’s commentary.


As you can see from the three examples above, Forex trading does not have to be complicated or involve plastering messy and confusing indicators all over your charts. Once you master a few solid price action setups like the ones above and the others in my Forex trading course, you will be well on your way to becoming a more confident and profitable trader, just remember, mastering these setups will require patience, dedication and discipline.

Nial Fuller

About Nial Fuller

is a Professional Trader, Investor & Author who is considered ‘The Authority’ on Price Action Trading. His blog is read by over 200,000+ followers and he has taught 25,000+ students since 2008. In 2016, Nial won the Million Dollar Trader Competition. Checkout Nial's Professional Trading Course here.
Nial Fuller Professional Trading Course Preferred broker 2020 v1

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  1. Rudy Gonzaga

    The PA explanation so clear and simple. I appreciate it well thank you.


    Wow tnk u sir l have learn a lot

  3. Patrick

    I love your Trading Strategy, may God bless you for providing free online reading for the poor, those that don’t have money to take your Professional Trading course. Thanks


    biết ơn và cảm ơn anh rất nhiều. Chúc a nhiều niềm vui , hạnh phúc, sức khỏe

  5. J. Modikwa

    You are the best teacher my man. We see the reality in real practice. I still need your tips friend.

  6. Joe Philip

    Am being highly influenced by your great ideas on price action setup trading strategies. I count myself lucky to having our parts crossed in forex market. Thanks so much I remain ever grateful.

    Joe Philip


    Mr. Fuller

    Thank you for this Article is very interesting.

    Could you please tell me what kind of patterns do you apply when you trade the MiniSP500? and the time frame?

  8. Mahlomola

    Thank you very much Mr Fuller this article is of a great significant to my trading setups I m now becoming more and more confident

    • TAIWO

      Good price action lesson , thanks

  9. Ron

    Hi Mr Fuller.

    May I know how many currency pairs do you trade? And any pairs that we should never trade ? Thanks in advance

    • In the current market conditions of the past few years, I’m not a fan of trading usdcad, usdchf and most exotic / minor pairs.

      • Mok

        in most cases major news like NFP have tendency of changing the direction of the market. How do you deal with that?

    • Thabang Emmanuel Mabone

      Your are the great teacher never seen in the world keep it up sir thanks

  10. alex mak

    Thanks Mr. Fuller. A very good revision for me to the basic concept. Will go deep in due course as per your guidance. Regards

  11. Daramola

    Thanks for your message and lecture, I am still knew in this Forex trading. I am a retired man , but my country did not help the retired people much.
    But I need to do something for my daily living.
    Been a retired man I choose to join Forex trading.

    I have gone through your lecture, been a first time of reading it , let me read it again and again, then I can get to you and let you know the area of my weakness and I know you are there for me.

    My Regards.

  12. NHAN BUI


  13. Anthony Essien

    Very insightful. Thank you boss

  14. Maxim

    I express my gratitude to you o most generous.

  15. Mark

    Great stuff Nial. Just come across your site this weekend and find it very clear and readable. I’m a little confused on spotting a fakey when trading an inside bar set up. Is it just a matter of confluence/trend.

  16. Nkhoba Molefi

    You have taken me so high to a level I never dreamed of in trading Forex through your interesting, clear and understandable courses.

    I am convinced I found a real and professional teacher and I am proud to be one of your profitable product.

    God bless you and make you whole.

    Warm regards

  17. Amirali

    God bless you

  18. Daniel

    You are indeed a professional… thanks for the knowledge

  19. Naveena

    Wonderful strategy


    Your lesson is very educative, thanks

  21. michel

    Thank you for sharing your insights i am looking forward to learning more from you

  22. Isaac

    Very insightful. Thanks

  23. Thabiso Isaiah Mohapi

    You played the vital part in my daily trading!

  24. Abdullah alamin

    Thank you so much

  25. Eric Wondong

    This is really revealing. God bless you.

  26. Amuzie

    This lesson is very educative and very practical in nature. This goes to show that you are indeed a leader/master in this business.I am indeed very highly impressed. Keep the flag flying.

    • Ayoade Quadri

      Thanks master I gain here

  27. Bilgehan

    Great Job , thank you for all your experiences and your instructions ✅

    • Isack

      Thanks Mr.lets move forward together

  28. Eli

    Thanks Nail, just joined but I’ve learnt something already. Looking forward to greater achievements.

  29. James

    Many thanks for your information

  30. Riccardo Thomas

    You such a wonderful blessing from God, thanks a lot Sir. Now I can see the light even though it’s shines in a distance but I’ll follow your lead. I bow…

  31. Daniel

    Thank you sir
    This was very helpful

  32. Ndivhuwo

    Thank you so much Nial Fuller, I have RECEIVED my first correspondence from you, price action is the best way to trade the market, your education materials are so informative, thanks again and again
    N Nyamande.

  33. Nuel

    Interestingly revealing. Thank you mate.

  34. Felix

    Thanks for all you do…. trading has improved 110%

    • eddie

      tq sir,very helpfull lesson and education on my trading.i hopefully get more buildup learning on price action

  35. ivan

    Your material has taught me patience.

  36. Aleksey PIVOVAROV

    Thank you, Nial.

  37. moh tawhid

    your words are getting more newer like i’ve never heard it before it an eyes opener easy to digest as it so comprehensive, i feel good!!!
    The risk is so token compare to the huge reward ratio,
    thank you.

  38. Ugwumba Emmanuel N.

    Honestly, i feel so grateful to have come across you and your work. I am finding your teaching so interesting sir.

  39. John Iwokiri

    I will forever be grateful for your selfless effort for this enlightenment. Just yesterday I subscribed to your email alert I’ve learnt new things. God continue to bless and keep you.

  40. Kabelo Qhelane

    thank you so much, i am really grateful for this wonderful information. may God almighty continue to bless you. you are a great person on my lifes because your information is really transforming, is moving us from one level to another in the market

  41. Batte

    Nial,you are the best thing to that has ever happened to me in regards with understanding the price action..
    Thanks for your efforts man,bigups!

  42. Ejeh E.Edache

    Really greatful for coming across your page.May the Lord protects and bless your effort.

  43. Mary j Ngaru

    Yet to learn but I understand few I know I will catch up

    • Agha nnabuike

      Thank you sir, for this information.

    • Julius Ameh Abah

      So grateful coming across your guide in forex.This will make me go a Longway successfully .once again thank you.

  44. Kay

    Great stuff
    Thank you for sharing


      I can’t stop learning with your strategy oo! Thank ye! Sir! Very great lesson!

  45. Kwasi

    Thank you for sharing

  46. Luke

    Very nice the shared.

  47. Ayodele

    Great article from Nial.The attraction to your article is your’ keep it simle silly’ approach.So simle and easy that even a child can understand it.Thanks a million times

  48. Erasmus

    Thank you sir.

    • Augustine Amakato

      Fine strategy, thanks.

  49. dylan


  50. Joseph

    Nice !!

  51. Lilli

    I am one of your fans! I love your trading approach, Nial. I have been following your advise to be a minimalist. Thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

  52. Dieu Huynh

    Thanks for your explain. It’s useful me.

  53. Sayan


    • Zinnur

      Thanks. Remarkable lesson.

  54. Siyathokoza


  55. Seif waziri

    absolutely worth while

    • Nathi

      Nice trade form Nail

  56. tony cliff

    i have just been here for about 24 hours and i have learnt alot and i love your articles and the you tube videos are awesome thanks alot for sharing

  57. NJ van Heerden

    Very well explained. Thanks Nial

  58. lionel marmolejos

    you have taken the time to explain the setups in a complete fashion that is understandable which i will be practicing them so i want to thank you cause i really was having trouble finding a strategy that i can follow ,again thanks a bunch and will join

  59. smart mubwandarikwa

    in agreement with the trend reversals

  60. Mukul

    It’s really nice Sir !! It will be useful for me .

  61. Apoeso Oyebola

    Nice one Sir. Very good

  62. Adegbulu John

    This is a great platform to learn a life career thanks Nail.

  63. Trần Văn Triệu

    Thank for your sharing! I really like your way of trading!

  64. Sadat

    Great explanation. Thank you Mr. Nail. just signed up today and started learning already.

  65. MUZI


  66. Joan

    Nial,u r blest

  67. Ralph Spangenberg

    Nial, thank you after removing all the noise i.e. studies, indicators and such I’m beginning to understand.

  68. Joel Ekeh Chinazo Achua

    this is awesome

  69. Assoi Amani Joachim

    Just great !

  70. Raborifi Keletso Klar

    Thank you very much for this mind blowing information

  71. Benjamine Victor Iwu


  72. Junior Kamese

    Thank you very much

  73. Forex Wolf Asaga


  74. Josephine Basciano

    Hello Nial, spent this wknd reading here.. I believe with your mentoring I will achieve my goals..looking forward to joining in the very near future..Thank you in advance! Jo

  75. Muzamil Mingu

    Very helpful info, tq nial

  76. Amaurie Mzulu Joseph

    price actipon is lit

  77. Bamfex Bamdell

    Good strategy

  78. Asiimwe Ida

    Thank you somuch for inspiring us….have really made some good dollars from following your strategies.


      I want to know more on the pin bars, inside bars, and fakeys. Thanks.

  79. Yudono Hunting Fox

    i like this important article

  80. Mohd Khush

    Very good insight

  81. Priyantha Bandara

    thank you very much about your knowlege fx strategise

  82. Vusi

    I understand it beyter

    • Diamond Siani

      hello Nial…i have question that important in my trading…should i move my stop loss to breakeven when its in my favor or just leave where it is until it reach take profit…thank you…

  83. edigar

    thanks very much,you have changed my trading system,I hope I will become a smart trader soon

  84. Manoj Palekar


  85. Simon Nsikan Donatus

    thanks for the enlitenment in forx trading , thinking is now different.

  86. sreekumar

    Hi Nial,

    I am so grateful to you giving me valid information which will help me.i just want to ask if this stratergy can be applied in one hour time frame.can u suggest me best time frame to trade.as of now am totally free can i use one hour time frame.


    • Roy Peters

      Daily timeframe or weekly is best for these strategies.

  87. Khan Faizul Bari

    Thanks for all your valuable information

  88. Agung palguna

    Thank you……i have read your chart example of pin bar, fake pinbar n hidden pinbar……..i want to ask about timeframe you use for that for the best…? Thank you

  89. akpos omonis

    thank you very much for your information i will apply for a course when am fully ready.

  90. Samuel

    Thanks alot as a newbie am gonna need this very much

  91. Nonnazoza

    I have read this over and over again, it’s starting to make sense. Thanks

  92. imi

    Hi Nail,
    Thanks for all your valuable information you are sharing with traders.
    But i have seen these forms of pin bars, inside pin bars, … in the history of charts for different time frames without this form of moving and during 5 years of trading i could not use them as you have mentioned above. Even i have written all the important necessary shape, forms, … and follow step to step and 1 out of 10 times they were accurate.
    How can you explain these problems?
    Best wishes

    • Roy Peters

      Join the course.

    • Gift Ameh

      This is only valid on a daily time frame

  93. Allan Villanueva

    Hi Nail,

    You found the HOLY GRAIL, i love this set up.
    More blessings to come.


    Allan Villanueva fr. Philippines

  94. Christian Louboutin

    It’s the best time tto make a few plans for the linger term and it’s time tto be happy.
    I have learn this put up and if I could I desire to couunsel you ssome interesting issues
    or suggestions. Maybe you can write subsequent articles referring to this
    article. I want to learn even more things about it!

  95. Ndumiso Ngubane

    Thank you so much sir nial fuller this is so clear I will stick to these setup I really want to be a successful trader one day, thanks once again.

  96. Vasilika

    I’m a beginner, but I really start to love this profession. This is a very interesting lesson. I’m waiting for the next one.Thanks a lot.

  97. Blanche

    Thank you nail. As I am a beginner im starting to understand now

  98. Thol Menghim

    Hi, Nail
    I really impress with your Price Action Trading Strategy. It’s good strategy for me.

    Thank you for your sharing!

  99. Paul Cowley

    Thank you for this article.
    Presumably you look for the momentum switch or pin bar on the daily chart and place your trade on the 4hr?
    Also, what determines your target?
    Is it the next two candle cluster on the daily chart from where you have entered?
    Also, what determines your STOP loss. Is this above or below the fractal closest to live price on the 4hr chart?

    Kind regards
    Paul Cowley

  100. Letitia

    Very informative. You really keep it simple ☺amazing trully. Thank you and look forward to learning from you how to trade profitable.

  101. Silah samundy

    Very good

  102. Rahmat

    KISS but need to be mastering PA in deep detail

  103. Demas Rabonara

    Hi Nial,

    This is all new to me, but thankyou. I want to learn more and be a very good trader..

  104. chris

    hi fuller,thanks for educating me on this three patterns.i really learnt a lot from it.
    please am a new trader and i want you to teach me how to trade the market very well.
    i just started a demo accounts.


    Hi Fuller, I am impressed by your lessons. Especially the P.A.S. this is my 4th year as a FOREX TRADER. I will tell more but for now. Thanks.

  106. nthabiseng

    I wish I will understand this because I want to trade soon

  107. J E N

    Nail you are unique I love you

  108. Simy Sadoun

    Brilliant simplicity through the pages. I would love to master all of this.
    I will try to master some of it. Thank you,

  109. Ramon olivares fransisco

    Thank you for the piece of information, added now to files in my head ???????? Have ablessingg day hopefully one day well meet

  110. olasunkanmi Abiodun

    nail, to be honest with you! how i wish i could see you and be by my side always. your articles are giving me a complete hope in trading forex because i am a newbe.

  111. Nimesh

    Thank you sir for the information given

  112. Puvan

    Nial..Nial…Nial, its a blessing for me to have stumbled upon your website. You are a truly genuine forex master. Thank you so much for your guidance. Just yesterday I tried to follow your price action method on a daily chart ..sell on usd/cad guess what…110 pips already in my pocket. Thank you my dear friend and officially you are my long searched Mentor.
    Thank You

  113. sara

    Thanks you sir I’m looking forward for this trading lesson thanks again.

  114. bulbul

    hai sir, i an use only inside bar without confirmation candle?

  115. Colin

    Thanks for the straight forward approach. I over analyze way too often
    The average teacher explains complexity; the gifted teacher reveals simplicity.

  116. Priobrota

    Hi Nial,
    Thanks thanks thanks thanks…
    I never knew that price action is the best thing after…. well.. after price action and candle pattern pin bar very good effect ?

  117. Khyati verdhan

    Thanks sir

  118. Shaz

    Thank you for this ‘Ah Hah’ moment…..it has taken me a long time to work out my trading style and many years of frustration, not to mention heaps of $$$$ but something in the way you explain this price action just made the penny drop for me so THANK YOU for that. This is now playing my tune and I’m ready to dance :)

  119. Kiran Sahrawat

    Excellently written and explained. A lot to take in and needs to be read time and again to understand the nitty gritty in each mother bar and pin bar.
    You have reiterated my belief that trading is not about luck ; its about putting in the long yards and then earning some money.

  120. Mamiki Dube

    Good day Sir I’m new here and will to learn forex trading hopefully I will understand as time goes on

  121. George Houthoff

    Hi Nial,
    its been 2 days now that I am reading your articles and I’ve been learning more then the last couple of months. I test your set ups and tips directly after I read them and its amazing how good they actually work.

    You have the gift of explaining forex in a simple and direct way AND you are willing to share your knowledge. Thats just awesome man.
    Thank you very much, I will keep an close eye on your website, so much more to discover…

  122. mohamed

    Thank you for these..


    Nial I just want to appreciate you for all this your wonderful free lesson given to people including myself, may God continue to bless you and your family in Jesus name.
    Festus O

  124. yanto yunus

    Thanks for information. And teaching me. If you have. I will pleasure to hear indonesian language from you. Btw thanks a lot

  125. Timakatso Nodlovu

    Thank you nail.as new as l am .l hope one day l will come out with a testimony to say .though seem not easy but l will soldier on til l master it

  126. mohamad noor

    Thank you sir for the information given

  127. Somli

    Thank you you just gave a clue on price action in looking forward to learn more

  128. Daniel Mwangi

    Very helpful, thanks. Am new to this and expecting to learn more.

  129. RICHMAN

    I am new here but I see a great light ahead am prepared to learn thank U sir this is empowerment

  130. Angeline Msomi (Thuli)

    Thanks a lot Nial, real eye opener. Im fairly new in trading, scared to even do trades in my demo account, i really am trying to make sense of everything. Please advise on what do i look at when setting my levels (resistance and support and trendlines when a trend is either going up or down. Please help me.

  131. afshin

    hi Nial
    what is your EMA in above pictures?

  132. Evans Okai

    Hi Nail,

    I really appreciate your price action tutorials.Thanks so much.

  133. U G Nalin Senarath Kariyawasam

    Thank you so much Mr Nial for your lessons , explanations and kindness…

  134. Hansi

    Thanks niall.

  135. Nkosenhle

    This is so helpful to me Mr Nial,thank you.

  136. Joseph


    Thank you for the course.Highly appreciated


    Good day Nial Fuller,
    Love your way doing forex. Like to master price action trading. After 8 years of trading, tried this even I’m new, I feel relax doing trading. Will study more with your guidance.

  138. Nagawa Annet

    Thanks you’ve opened my eyes and mind about price action. Been asking myself a lot of questions. I really want to learn alot from you. Expand more on the inside bars.

  139. Sphelele Nkabinde

    Thank you so much sir, though some of us still need to understand the basic language of trading, these words are still foreign to us but hopefully we’ll get to understand them as time moves on. God bless

  140. Rizka

    Nial, one should look around first before jumping. I wish I come across your article sooner. Greatly appreciate them, straightforward, informative and create a healthy appetite to learn. Thank you

  141. christiana ayuba

    Your information has helped me tremendously.may GOD give you more wisdom and understanding i am forever indebted to you.Sir i want to subscribe your signals but i don’t know how much it will cost me.thank you somuch may God bless you.

  142. Eugene

    Inside Bar pattern is surely nice, but how do we know which way the price is going to move after it?

  143. markus

    Am new hoping to learn the basics first. Thanks

  144. SD

    Thank you so much Nial

  145. normallyreachme472

    I just stumbled over your blog couple of days ago on the web and quite frankly, I’m so impressed. I’m getting sucked deeper and deeper into your web of informations, I’m enjoying every bit of it.

    Thank you very much.

  146. Prakash K Narsian

    Hi Nail,
    I am new comer &stillneed more learning, hope your lessons will be great help to me.

  147. Maria

    I like your teaching but I only trade Es and do your lifetime newsletter help my situation

  148. Saowani

    Thank you so much for your lessons , explanations … kindness …for all of forex traders. I am very beginner and start my first demo account on April 2015 , I am now on real account with volume size 0.01 USD . I try to find explanations of forex trading and I never find one as excellent as yours . I really appreciate and I read and read again and again .
    Wish you all success and happiness . Saowani

  149. erson

    Hi Nial Fuller,

    I am new here,am still need more learning your technical.Thank you for your lesson.Have a good weekend Nial.

  150. Isaiah Gift

    Thank you Nial. You have been of great help

  151. samuel iforai

    helo. Nial you. are great and thank you for your generousity I can trade successfully.Samuel iforai

  152. maged tharwat

    Thinks nial for your efforts

  153. Bravola Lagos

    Hello Nial ,you are my role model ,you transform me to a successful fx trader using ur pin bar, inside bar, and fakey strategy plus the daily chart which gave me plenty pips coming across ur site is a blessing to me. God Bless you and your family very soon i will join ur community.

  154. razif

    Hi Nial,as mentioned pin bars,inside bars and fakey is good for daily time frame. Can it still good for 4hr and 1hr time frame.

    • Nial Fuller

      You can trade them on lower time frames, however I personally don’t go below the 1 hour chart.

  155. tra

    thanks Nial. You are super simple and effective coach. You have helped me out of the confusion again!

  156. fauzi

    hi, nial. now i repeat everday words you gave ‘ i will become a very successful trader’. now learning first pin bar and fakey, i get more confidence to trade. its simple but we don’t have confidence in ourself to stick to the rule. now i will stick to the rule. first find pin bar bullish or bearish. forget other set up first. wait until pin bar appear. patient, patient, patient.

  157. Vic

    Bravo Nial!

    This is quintessence of Price Action. The price tell us all about yourself on charts we only have to learn read these messages! Thanks. You are really the Best.


  158. Mussie

    Dear Nial
    Is it possible to see pin bars, inside bars and fakey at the same time in the chart? If yes, how often this happen and what is your interpretation for that?

  159. peta

    thanks so much for the column,I get this!!!! most definitely cleaner and more easily observed.Much simpler.

  160. ced

    Hi Nial

    For the Fakey set up, what would be the maximum number of inside bar (between the mother candle and the final fakey candle) that you d consider?
    Seems like 4 inside bars is already a lot, what do you think?


    • Nial Fuller

      There is no maximum, but each chart/pattern is unique so it’s important to look at the entire context of the chart not just the individual price action pattern to make a decision. If there is 4 or more inside bars as part of the fakey pattern is can be very powerful if the market is trending or if the market is at a major level, but if the market is choppy then it might just continue that sideways grind and the inside bars are less significant. Filter each pattern on a case by case basis and discretion would be applied.


    Thank you so much Nial , it is very informative and I learned a lot …
    I will use everything you teach … God bless ….

  162. magar

    Thank You So Much Nial

  163. ALf

    Words.. that sent a ray of light to our understanding.
    I said it once and I will say it again.
    Nial… you have the magic to make it happen, everything looks so easy
    after you explain the way it works.
    Thanks for your knowledge and for sharing it with us.
    Alfredo Garcia (ALF)

  164. hayder

    Ok, nial very nice your web,all your information is very good and we are more getting lessons ,
    But there is one persist problem ” probability” its no go awy.
    Thank you so much

  165. john teebo

    Thank you Nial your information is clear and to the point. Love your website

  166. waqas

    Thanks Nail you share it nice information.

  167. Ivan

    Thenk you Nial!!!!

  168. Yousif

    You are the best

  169. john

    Thank you very much mr nial fuller you are the best

  170. terry shead

    very good Nial

  171. omolola adegbami

    Nail I always enjoy your postings. Thanks for helping me.

  172. Joel Ugbonta

    Thank you so much for this article. It has indeed helped me to weep away the fear of complicated market chart due to congestion of multi-indicators. I feel relieved and ready to work on myself using these strategies you have opened my eyes to. Thank you and hope to get more information from you that will keep me super-charge in this career.

  173. azrol aziz

    tq.. i must learn this

  174. Den Nguyen Van

    I love trading with price action. Thank you so much

  175. sandy lord

    Nial–I was preparing a talk to a local Houston Investment Group last week, outlining my evolution as a trader over the last 5 years…As I prepared it, my theme became apparent…I had gradually over time eliminated all but a few key indicators and had become a scrupulous observer of price movement and action. Slowly over time I have become better at reading the story being told by the candle charts…seeking a good definition of what it was I was doing led me to various sites and then there it was…a whole system based on Price Action and tons of material by Nial Fuller…since my talk I have been to your various sites and love your material…I look forward to immersing myself further in the insightful writings and courses you have put together….

  176. Ahmed Shafique

    thank uu sooo much MR.NIAL through your i take mine demo account from 3000 dollars to 12000 dollars in one month :)

  177. george erim

    im happy a part of nial fx family. i look forward to becoming a successful forex trader soon.thanks for your lessons.

  178. Sandile T

    Hi Nail, I will always follow your trading style it is really profitable, but you need only a patience, for your trading being consistency.
    I salute you Mr, you are a man of GOD.

  179. Ridwan Bs

    Very Helpfull information for trading with tecnikal analysis..thank you..

  180. Izu

    Thank you Nial. I just checked out your post on some charts and it confirms the strategy.

  181. Sandile T

    hi nail, it sandile again a south african citizen, you’l be surprised to tell you that reading you articles been blessing from God, why I say this is because every article you post is mana from heaven, and you’l be shocked to know that I am only nine months learning trading forex and I found your website four months ago and your three price action strategy is working marvelous on my demo account that I have made $2057 profit in only two weeks, may God bless you, thank you Mr Fuller.

  182. Eugene Rivera

    Hi Nial

    I just discovered your “jewel of the down under”. Your website is awesome, I have been doing Forex for many years but because of finding the right info, I put it aside but sometimes I like to read all about strategies. Signed up for your newsletter, downloaded the NY 5-day charts from Axitrader and I am looking forward to purchase your price action course. I am a technical analysis guy and love to trade off the charts. I have started to read each one of your blog posts, so I’ll be busy for a while. Because of your pinbar strategy I understand the candlestick a lot better. Price action is where the real money is. Loved your crocodile article. Thanks so much…

  183. Paul Samoey

    Nial,You have changed lives here in Kenya as echoed by Mr Kimotho.Your illustrations are so informative that I wonder why traders waste their times in other trading methods.I have been able to push my account from 500 USD to now 3500 USD within 3 months.Thanks Nial.keep on your good work,it’s not easy though.

  184. Patrick Seeta

    am amaized at the technique… wow bravo

  185. sohail

    thnks for ur education about price action i m from pakistan and want to met u sir

  186. sohail

    your are very genius i like ur technique.

  187. Isabel

    You have so many wonderful articles to read and, what I need is Time!

  188. Tom

    WOW! Thanks for talking about price action charts! Will absolutely reference this in the future!

  189. Shergs

    Thanks Nial for the simple yet powerful explanation of these three trading setups. I think this is all I need for now to trade successfully in Forex. Thanks a million times, pal.

  190. Salami olugbenga

    Niall,,,,,,thaaaaaaanks ..I have been an indicator addict….so drunk in them that I lost $2000.. C c c thanks I know I can pick up again with ur price action so simple….

  191. vlad

    seems nice to learn this after I lost my acct.Makes me thirsty for knowledge.So bad I can not ever now afford this course :(.I’ll be rereading this again and having some questions.Blessed are those who have the money for the course.

  192. mahmood

    Great article. Thanks alot Nial

  193. sever g

    Great stuff I am glad I opened your page.Usually I am used to find 89% non sens stuff about trading.Keep up with the great work you are diferent and you will make the diference.

  194. Seyi Adekola

    Hi Neil,

    Great article. Thanks alotttttt :)

  195. Mark

    hi Nial, need to leave a post,
    your articles and strats are awesome, from what i have read thus far it has improved my trading 10 fold.
    great stuff


  196. Norman

    Hi Nial, your article always inspirational, have to leave a remark to say thanks!You are the best one!

  197. Ryan


    Your articles are just super. You describe in a very pointed manner using just a few words how to spot good setups.

    Thanks a ton. You rock.

  198. Peter

    Great! However, Nial forgets to mention one can have lots of whipsaws on the daily too! Trading options in my view, is the only way to reduce the R/RW on a trade, and sleep well!

  199. Tunde R.

    thanks alot Nail, am learning forex again in a new dimesion. but just a little question, how many candle bars make up the
    fakey setup.
    hope to hear from you soon.

    • Nial Fuller

      Email me for more information Tunde

  200. Thomas

    I have traded for some time, but still had a couple of questions. Then I found this website and I got answers to my questions. Thanks Nial ! I have allready improved my trading skills.

  201. ebere john

    Thanks Nail for ǎ̜̍ wonderfull lesson, Reading your articles about price action has given my trading an edge, I understand the pin bar setup so I НªvΣ τ̅☺ master it properly, then I need more light on the fakey setup must it consist of ǎ̜̍ inside bar then ǎ̜̍ pinbar?

  202. Shingam

    Great Nial, Thank your very much for your simple yet valuable advise

  203. Adnan

    Love U Nial Fuller Gud Bles u :)

  204. ace

    genius, is making complicated things simple, guess u fit right in.


  205. sonny

    Lord Fuller has a nicer ring to it…… :)

  206. Richard

    Nial, having discovered your site.
    I have to start caling you Sir Nial, thank you for the heads up, simple and clear.

  207. quanghieu

    Thank you . I have learnt a lot knowledges in this wed . I hope I will find many price action trading . I like this wed so much .

  208. sunny

    great plz ur just wonderful its working may God bless u

  209. sunny

    please i want to know more

  210. Sione

    Am very thankful that come across this site and be a student of yours. How-much-more if I sit and learn from your workshop. Please let me know if I can see you

  211. Johnpeter

    Someone just introduced me to the site. I wonna stay here and learn :)

  212. userkami

    I found good knowledge from your site.
    Thank you very much.

  213. Anne


    The strategies that you have shared look great but just wondering how am i going to monitor the pattern formation since it is suitable to trade in a longer timeframe? It seems i have to sit in front of the computer for the whole day or even few days just to wait for it to form or else most of the times i will miss out the trade opportunities.

  214. Betty


    I am reading this article the third time round. Sometimes I can see an inside bar but where the tail of the inside candles protrudes a little outside the mother bar. My question is should i still consider this an inside bar or its not?

  215. Jones

    Hi Nial,

    I find your info educational but I’m more of a stocks trader and does your resources apply to stocks as well? THanks in advance!

  216. API

    Thank you very much Nial :)

  217. Billy

    Hi Niall i have only been trading for a couple of months ,but have spent a lot of time scouring the net for different courses and mentors and your site tops the bill for me .I will get membership down the road when things pick up so for now i will just follow your lead Regards Billy

  218. ponfa longtau

    your trading technique has been an eye opener. once i was blind but now i can see! remain bless

  219. William

    Hyper-space knowledge. Thanks for sharing all of your articles and your experiences in the forex market.

  220. Akin olu

    Ur price action renforces my whole idea trading fx using price action.watching closely where the inside bar price close will do a help.thanks alot.

  221. maviiri godfrey

    descpline is good in trading as mentioned but some times a trader needs to be aggresive in case a good trend is indntified than being conservative which limits profits.

  222. Naomi

    Thank you very much for your great articles. I have a question. Are inside bar and harami different? Do you consider a size of candle’s body for inside bar??? For example, if the mother candle has long wigs and small body (doji) but the baby candle engulfs the mother candle’s body but formed lower high and higher low. Is this inside bar???

    Thank you.

  223. Larry H.


    Been a member almost a week now. WHAT A WEEK! THANKS!

    Going to be a WHALE of a journey. Great feeling knowing you have an experienced captan-mentor and a crew nearby that has your same intersts and speaks your same language.
    No more solidary sailing!

    Really feeling the need for a course workbook with related problems and answers so that we can test and check ourselves
    on our progress. Is that a future possibility? If so, I would like to be on your development and feedback team.

    Thanks Larry

  224. Kevin

    Hi Niall,

    Great site, I like the idea of trading only two or three strategies.

    Do you find the setups work best with any particular currency pairs?

    Kevin (England)

  225. Sukoyo

    Hi Mr. Nail
    This is my first time receive your email, I am so intersted in your PRice Action strategic, I Had found the right method, but becouse English is not my mother language, some time I cannot clearly understand some words/phrase, any sugestions? thanks GBU

    Sukoyo (Indonesia)

  226. Jenny

    Thank you for your clear explanations throughout your web-site. I have just joined and eagerly await (patiently!) my first Pin Bar trade in my demo account.

  227. Vickie

    thank you again for your generousity in sharing this info…I am counting the days to buy your course and see what else you have to say :)

  228. Allan

    I have just stated today using using your strategies, thank you thank you.

  229. Emmanuel U

    Your work is very inspiring and revealing.Reading and listening to those videos marked a turning point in my trading life.
    Thanks for giving it back to the society.
    Besides, can you redefind in-side bar? Is the thread of the of the candle considered also or is it only the body?
    This clearification will help a lot.

    Thank for the good work and remain bless.

    • nial

      Emmanuel please email for more help on inside bars mate.

  230. moses

    i am speechless.
    nial you are an angel.

  231. John Learmonth

    Hi Nial.
    In the second chart, the “Fakey” also seems to be a pin bar.
    Is that further validation of a feasible trade?
    Thanks for these excellent tips.

  232. Janet Bagumira

    I am new to forex trading and are grateful for these tips.
    I will eventually register.

    The pin bars and fakey set ups are quite interesting.
    I am glad I opened your website.

  233. Joseph

    Great material, Nial, Been trading for 6 months and lost a bunch of money. I did the fakey set up and let the trade run. up $ 3,500 over night… Yes… Thank you…. Will see ya soon…

  234. enock

    nice info bro,uh ave opened my eyes down here in africa,longlive

  235. krastev

    Hi Nial
    thak you very much for yr usefull info.
    much aprreciated.thanks again.

  236. Sanjay

    Sorry guys, just saw this beautiful article, and am ever so glad that i did. I can’t have a screen going on in the office, and i trade off Iphone (Demo a/c only). I teach on the nights and find it difficult to trade properly, but nevertheless, Nial’s teachings are made of gold. Easy to understand, the challenge is for me to apply them.

    Thanks Nial!

  237. Kati

    Hi Nail
    Thank you for the help, its really great.

  238. Paul

    Great detail Nial. Very clear and precise. Can these setups be used on a 15 TF?

    • Nial

      no , i don’t trade small timeframes like that.

  239. rikus

    Hai Nial,

    I re-read your articles to get a clear picture of price action setups. Thank u v much for your sincerity in helping beginners.


  240. Tomson

    Many Thanks,
    Great info and this really is very helpful.
    Short and clear, excellent.


  241. Alex

    Hi Nial, Brilliant as per usual!thank you sir! i’d appreciate a bit more detail on the 2 setups you refer to with Inside bar setups and Fakey setups.
    I’ve been micro trading whilst trying to grasp your trading methods. I’ve made some appalling mistakes,but thanks to your generosity i am aware of what i didn’t do properly and feel much more confident about trading profitably with my meagre funds. I committed before that i will sign up for your course and attest to that promise here again. Cheers

  242. eric

    thank you Nial, a fascinating lesson. But I want to ask how to distinguish a pattern is formed an inside bar or a fakey setup, because fakey setup also begins with the inside bar.

    • nial

      There are 2 setups, Inside bar setups and fakey setups. Inside bars are break out patterns, where as the fakey is a “false break” of the actual inside bar break out. Email me fore more info on that.

  243. Galen

    Hello Mr. Fuller

    Rather straight forward. Clear. Time to journal one of your primary “price action” setups. Which one? Hummm

  244. Florin

    I really like how you analyze the market. I find it helpful, Thanks very much for materials that you send me! a good day!

  245. Tony

    Thanks for the great info, Nial. Can’t wait to buy the course.

  246. Jonah

    Hi Nial,

    I really want to thank you for your material on price action setup which as really help me to improve my knowledge in forex trading, God bless you and wishing you the very best in the new year and the years to come, a very big thank you.

    Best Regards
    Jonah (UK)

  247. Austin Osaji

    Hi Nial,
    I am grateful for your the materials, its really comprehensive. I am very grateful for it. more grease to your elbow. Thanks very much.

  248. dafcreation

    nice info brother thanks alot, much appreciated

  249. Ezzywave

    Just traded the EURJPY pin bar reversal at 0800 GMT (22/11/10) took profit at 3 x risk and then saw the price drop to 5 x risk before consolidating!

    Thanks for the top advice Nial on taking a 4 hour + view point on the markets.

  250. Gildo

    Hi Nial,

    Thanks thanks thanks thanks…

    I never knew that price action is the best thing after…. well.. after price action!!

    I am forever indebted to you!

  251. Ricky


    Do you designate a bar an inside bar based upon using the wicks of both the mother bar and the following bar or do you just use the bodies of the two bars to make this determination?

    As always thank you for your help.


  252. gg

    fab as usual

  253. Doug R

    Simple but effective… not easy just very simple. Price action is the way to be profitable in forex trading.

  254. Jose Maria

    Hi Nial,
    With your knowledge and your teaching material you are giving me a great set of tools to improve and succeed trading the market, you have a great name of the site “learn to trade the market” you honnor it, and I am in the right way to do it!!
    Thank you very much!!

  255. Thrinethra

    I’m also learning a lot from your website.I am very happy now becoz ur price action course is pretty simple and logical.Your material is simply awesome.I found good knowledge from your site.
    Thanks Nial

  256. Gildo

    This looks awesome.

    I will try everything out in my demo and give you the feedback.


  257. Eugene

    i’m learning a lot on your website. i have just discovered it 2 days ago. But i feel really happy to have been able to find some set ups ands strategies like those ones

  258. Jesse

    Your information has helped me tremendously, I trade just the close of the daily and I am making and average of 1% a day…..Thank you!!!

    • Nial

      5 daily bars per week, correct close for candles is important.

  259. Tom

    Hi Nial,

    How do we keep using meta trader as a demo account with our trading? i opened one but it is only giving me one month free account.

    • nial

      click file, open a new demo account.
      have a good one.

  260. Phil White

    Hi Nial,
    I am using a meta trader trading platform which does not show it as a pin bar at all! Is it possible that different platforms could be so different? The platform i am using shows price open 87.33, close 85.14,
    hi 87.48, lo 84.80? Appreciate your opinion, PW

    • nial

      We Use a DIFFERENT CHART SERVER – using mt4 for the new york style close charts. This makes only 5 daily bars appear per week, and you will have yoru signals looking like the charts we use. SO, you can trade with who you want, but WE USE DIFFERENT CHARTS, thus why i stress traders have a broker platform and a seperate chart platform to relfect what we do. Nial

  261. Michael D

    I think that the knowledge about forex trading that you impart is great. Which time frame is best suited for the pin bar setup?


    • nial

      Hi, Daily and 4 hour is best for pins

  262. Jeff W

    I came across Nial on Youtube and all I can say is WOW! I want to thank you for publishing those vidoes for free. I am NOT a freeloader and I am going to take your course within a month. But just threw $500 into a micro account and read your entire site, watched all the videos and my account is over $1500 since the 25th of Jan.! I know there is SOOO much more in the course as far as entries, exits, and stops, and that’s what I am really excited about! Tahanks again Nial and I’ll see you in the course VERY soon! Going through a divorce and can’t afford it yet LOL

  263. Galen Tarrence

    Reading a lot of your material. Nial, you started a beautiful romance between myself and price. Look forward to your mentor-ship and course down the line; mean while I will keep reading your stuff.

    • Patrick

      Sir your strategies are the best to approach Forex trading marking, thanks sir.

  264. Kennedy Kimotho

    Speechless is what I am Nial I dint think I could order the course coz the money was rare but after doubling my account with the few strategies you shared with me and the rest of the ‘believers’ then am well in my way to order it Nial so I can change fate as I am from a humble beginning down here in Africa….Thanx Nial is all I can say.


  265. tyrone kimble

    Most comprehensive price action chart to date…

  266. D. Adryll

    What period would you recommend for the moving averages. What works better with price action? Is moving average necessary with price action?

    • Nial

      Price action is best used with “confluent ” evidence, such as a key market level, prior price action even area, or a moving average level. Where the price action signal forms is important, the more you have to back it up as confirmation , the better.

      • Thabo khesa

        Thank you very much sir

      • Ahmed

        Helpful sir
