10 Reasons Why it Rocks To Be a Trader
Let’s be honest, trading can get discouraging at times. Even professional traders have losing months sometimes, so don’t be too hard on yourself. I think it’s good to remind ourselves sometimes just why it is we do this. A little positivity and fresh focus on the reasons we all got interested in trading can be a very powerful tool to help us get re-focused on what it takes to succeed. It’s also just good to remember why we are doing this, because sometimes, in the middle of the inevitable losing streak, it’s exactly what we need to hear.
The numerous articles and videos on the web about “trading problems” and “why trading is hard” can just be downright discouraging after a while. Yes, trading is hard, we all know that by now. But so is anything else in life worthwhile, and the end-goal of becoming a consistently profitable trader is BEYOND worthwhile. To remind you why, let’s discuss 10 reasons why being a trader ROCKS HARDER than any other profession that has ever existed.
1. The most obvious reason: Financial freedom
The term “financial freedom” means more than just having enough money to not have to worry about bills and other everyday problems, it’s also about having REAL freedom. Just thinking about having the ability to make enough money to live comfortably from anywhere in the world, only needing a computer and the internet, is a powerful and motivating thought.
Being a successful trader not only means that you can make a lot of money, but much more importantly, it means you have freedom. You have freedom to essentially do what you want when you want, and you really can’t put a price on that.
2. You’re a Badass.
Traders are people who are looking for a way out. A way out of the ‘Matrix’ that is modern-day work and the 9 to 5 grind. Who wants to spend the majority of their waking life working to make someone else more money than they make themselves? This is the mindset of a trader. He or she sees the world for what it really is and not some fairy tale that society wants them to believe.
Thus, to be a trader, you have to have a mindset that is different from the masses. You are a ‘lone wolf’ who takes a ‘me against the world’ mentality and you don’t care what other people think. Many people, when asked about trading, will simply pass it off as ‘too risky’ or something only an ‘elite’ group of people can excel it. These people are the masses, the ‘sheep’ who are happy to remain asleep inside of the ‘Matrix’. You however, you want to be a trader, which means you have the mentality of a badass ‘rock star’ who doesn’t accept the status quo of what society has to offer.
3. Escaping the 9-5 ‘slave-grind’
The life that being a full time trader would allow you to live is simply awesome. Sitting by the beach, relaxing, entering a trade occasionally throughout the month when you see a high-quality price action signal; not too bad.
However, even better than that, is simply not having to ‘report’ to work on time every day. Waking up at 6 in the morning to get ready to drive into a job you loathe is no one’s idea of fun. Being a full-time trader would allow you to escape this form of modern-day slavery. I firmly believe that the way we all go to work for 40 hours a week (or more), hunched over desks in windowless cubicles, is simply a new form of slavery. Trading provides the opportunity to escape this. It’s not easy of course, but at least it gives us a chance at real, true freedom.
4. Flexibility
The flexibility that you get from being a trader is awesome. You don’t have to worry about ‘missing work’ or ‘calling in sick’ if you want to go visit relatives or go on a holiday. You can make your own schedule, travel where you want and do what you want when you want. For me, simply not having to live by someone else’s ‘rules’ or schedule is one of the best parts about being a trader.
5. Family time
If you have kids, being a trader allows you to spend more time with them and be there more as they grow up. This is especially rewarding when they are little and doing new things every day. Spending 8 or 10 hours at work every day causes you to miss at least half of your kid’s childhood as they grow up. You really can’t put a price on having more time with your family. Being an at-home trader allows you to have this time.
6. You understand the world better
Being a trader helps you understand the differences in strength of various economies around the world. I always find it amazing how little most people know about exchange rates and the relative strengths of different countries. Being a currency trader, you become focused on the price action of various currency pairs and this helps you understand the world in a more intimate and clearer way than most other people who are not traders. For example, if you want to travel to a different country, you will likely already know the exchange rate difference between that country and your own, whereas most people have no idea.
7. You call your own shots
Being a trader means you call the shots. You make your own decisions both in the market and in life. If you wake up one day and you don’t feel like doing anything, then don’t. You are not obligated to drive to work and hear your boss dictate to you what you need to do. You set the rules.
This type of freedom isn’t for everyone though. Some people simply breakdown without the rules imposed by jobs and society. If you’re going to be a full-time trader, you have to make your own structure and routine in life. For those who embrace this, it comes with the perk of real freedom. But if you’re not a self-starter and self-motivated, you will struggle with this aspect of trading.
Two of the best things about trading for me, are travel and minimalism. I have adopted a minimalist approach to trading and life in general. I love having the choice to live a ‘normal’ / humble life and I enjoy traveling. Trading gives me the freedom to be able to travel when and where I want, and all I need to trade is my laptop or an ipad to manage my positions and study the charts. The minimalist lifestyle and trading approach are synergistic in that having a scaled-back and ‘minimalist’ lifestyle helps you remain clear-headed, calm and focused as you trade.
8. You can trade until you die – no physical labour
The fact that trading can be done by the young and old alike is another big advantage. If you’re a trader, you don’t really ever have to ‘retire’ if you don’t’ want to. You can trade your whole life because it obviously isn’t physical labour and it can be done from your home. Thus, becoming a skilled trader provides you with the potential to generate income you’re entire life.
9. Equal playing field for all
It doesn’t take a degree from a fancy university to become a successful trader. It just takes determination, persistence and most of all, discipline and patience. Trading is truly the most equal of all opportunities out there. Anyone who wants to become a trader can learn from the ground up, no ‘prerequisites’ required. Some of the best traders in the world have no formal college education, so even college dropouts can succeed as traders if they want it bad enough.
Thus, trading offers a real opportunity for anyone in the world who is looking for a different path in life, a path to real freedom from today’s overly-structured societal ‘norms’.
10. Giving back
Becoming a successful trader puts you in a very unique position of being able to help other people. Not only can you help your friends and family financially (which is also really cool), you have the ability to pass on a skill to them. Something that they can then use to build their own true freedom like you did. This not only benefits them but also brings you great internal satisfaction. This is one big reason why I started teaching people how to trade via my price action trading courses and online traders’ community. Life is not fulfilling unless you can help others and make a difference in their lives, and that certainly is my aim through Learn To Trade The Market.
Reading this article time by time I become more and more motivated to change my life and run away from daily slavery to real freadom
Fuller, you are best in the world of Forex. keep it up God will continue to bless you, and Be with you ,Amen. Happy Christmas & New year in advance.
Thank you so much Sir. If life is not fulfilling unless you can help others and make a difference in their lives, yours must be fulfilled! Really appreciate your work overall.
Hello . I accept all 10 items deeply and with all my being. I have been acquainted with the Forex market for about 4 months and I have been acquainted with you and your page for about 3 days. I hope one day I can achieve my dreams.
Thanks a lot Sir for your articles. You are a great professional trader. I didn’t take your slow and steady methods serious until I have burnt my fingers over and over again.
I thank God for you.
Aiming to turn Each of the 10 reasons into reality starting now … awesome motivation!
Thank you so much Nial. You are the one to be crown (Igwe of traders). You’ve contributed a lot in my trading life. May God bless the mother who made you. You are my great mentor, I don’t know what my trading life would have become without you. I will be the happiest man on earth on the day I will shake your hand because am looking forward to become one among the best traders in the world.
I pray God to continue blessing you more and more for your generosity towards establishing people across the globe through your free online training.
good content and motivated.GBU from north borneo
Very well said. It refreshing though reading an article like this when it come to end of trading week. Exhausted from reading news and chart, not to mention the ups and down of emotion watching our profit / lost shrinking or rising.
Keep up the good work Nial.
Nial your articles are all educative, The average person ____ me included( the sheep) are trapped by the modern slavery, leaving hand to mouth or pay stub to pay stub. The good news is the field is already leveled for all.
One needs to be determined , persistent and most of all, disciplined and patient ____ like you said it, to learn, to escape this financial trap from selfless people like you who are willing to help others succeed.
I have subscribed to your news letter 2018 and I have no regrets.
Thanks for helping people like me.
Wow,a real motivation article.
Thanks for the encouragement.
Great and fair article!!!
This is nice
Thank you guru. I truly appreciate the way you inspire, challenge and open my mind to chart a steady, reliable investment route. Thank you some more
Waoow i love this job (FX trader)
This is a great piece.
A big thump up for you .
Keep the good work.
Very inspiring.
Thanks Nial i feel the same way about life in General and i have the same vision as yours thank you for the inspiring article.
Keep up the good work sir
Thank you Nial for this article and for you heart to teach others successed.
This is awesome. Thank you sir.
Amazing article, thanks Nial for sharing, really helpful
FuLLER, you are great, your article came into my in box the right time , it inspired me the more bcos i was about giving up. The article came the right time. It reveals the freedom of being a profitable trader, freedom to all life opportuinities. Thank you FULLER more grease to your elbow.
Thanks for the good heart you have ,we really appreciate .
Nice reading this all inspiring article of yours. it came at the right time, no giving up as trading could make one a better living
Nial you’ve changed my trading life in a positive way, more blessings to you
This is one of the best article.
Thank you Nial. I needed this, and keep up the good work.
God Bless bro.
A masterpiece as usual. i am more committed more than ever before to becoming a Trader.
Nial! your really a good brother. I enjoyed so much of this article and that of the one about long time trading. I still need some more inputs before I start my real live accounts trading. need your help brother. God bless you.
Quite interesting to read, you real motivate lives , God bless you
thnks so much for that article thats the reason that even we from africa particulary uganda are inspired to trade
Sir you are a great teacher. I am learning a lot from your articles.i have lost a big amount in market .but now learning from your articles I am trying to catch the market movement but some times I can not understand that market is reversing or in continuation after doing some corrections. Please suggest what should I do to recognise it.thanks
I love this post Nial.
I have just had some pretty significant losses which have forced me to re-evaluate everything from my trading strategy to my purpose in life.
I decided to have a couple of days off and it’s funny how apparent coincidences, ones which help to reset my mind to a positive condition, such as this post keep grabbing me.
Thanks for such an awesome post. It was the last and best in a string of apparent coincidences that has made me realize what it’s all about.
I can now approach the market and life with an enhanced attitude.
Wonderfull Nial….. You are a counsellor, a vision builder, truely knowledge is the end product of confidence. I feel you… wish to see you one-on-one and hope to be a greate trader like you one day. I give you “Cuddles”.
Those who can become a blessing to other, are blessed.
God uses people to bless other. Its a complicated chain, no one can find the ending of.
Thank you Nial Awesome man This is a great article I m learning every day I feel like a trader now keep teaching the world
A great and encouraging article
Thank you Nial for taking time to inspire and help others. I am a new member that has made three profitable trades since joining using your advice as a guide. I am close to retirement and looking forward to leaving the rat race to trade full time. Yes trading rocks!
Thanks a thousand times Nial (Indonesian style for many many thanks) for this great motivating article. My sense blows up and fly after reading your article. Yes that’s all true and what I am looking for, liberty. On top of that, Nial’s trading way is really enjoying so I can have my daily life cycle normal, more relax, no stress, and earning better profits. Welcome guys to the liberty.
Great article Nial, i am inspired
You just pointed out what I’m thinking, since I discovered trading :). It is a looong way to go, but thanks for the teaching!
Hi Nial,
All from one to 10 are so true that I can truly feel in my heart. Specially the # 1, 2, 5 and 10.I feel so suffocated and chocking to tears every time I have to leave to work with my son and daughter crying,screaming “mommy” holding on my clothes not letting me go to work but I have to pull my self away. I have to make the money to make ends meet….many times driving with blurry eyes full of tears….my throat and my heart ache…such reasons why I want to find a way to change the scene in my life and family, and I know the trading is my way out. Thank you Nial.
again thanks Nial for your great article
Hi Nial,
This is a great article and give an accurate insight into the life or a trader. This gives details on the practical aspects of what to expect as a trader. This is very compelling -I am raising money to be able to trade. The last line is very motivational and I definitely want to be there to be able to donate / share / help the needy.
Thanks again for the great article.
superb ! superb ! gr8 article.
Thanks as if the whole mental formation and makeup of traders had been put in thru the words….
Thanks “GURU “
Nial, you are the greatest forex teacher I’ve ever seen. Every time I read materials
I feel exceedingly motivated. Thanks very much…
Hi Nial
Indeed you practice what you preach and that’s why you are a successful trader.
You are a blessing to the children of God.
Wish you all the best with your family
due to my persistance and research starting to make consistent profits. This morning I made $800 profit. I do not regret my losses, because I have gained knowledge and experience which money can’t buy. So my advice to other would be traders- do not dispair,rather dig your heels in and keep on trading. Kind Regards. Leon Jonas from South Africa.
Great article Nial, Thumbs Up for point no 10.
Thank you Nial.
Awesome Man I like your last line’s it’s really motivated.
10. “Giving back” your articles are so motivational, I wish I could be a good trader, it is not a quick buck like people say it is, loosing is there but am really inspired and encouraged thanks to Nial Fuller
Yes Mr Nail Fuller,this is such inspiring,me too I wanna live my dream as a trader so m still rasing money to start trading,i always read your articles and they inspire me,i hope I can manage because raising money from the ground not having any income it’s hard but I want it so badly,thanks for your articles
Such an inspiring article after I went through streak of loosing trades. I realized my mistakes soon though.. But your article gave me a new life!
Great article. Very inspiring!
Honestly, just like in all your articles, you have said it all
great thought i really like ur nature
1 financial freedom
10 give help fulfillment
thats greatttttt keep it up
Nial; Your 10th point is my 1st point, to help the down trodden and give meaning to people’s live, I now have hope in my dream with this your piece of advise.
A thousand thumbs up for you
Niel, you are the best. Don’t let anyone discourage you on the good job you are doing.
Hi thanks Nial. I started trading just a little above one month now i reduced my $320 live account to $150. But then i began to see reality about trading coming to my head. I began to realized all i thought i knew about trading where all wrong, and are appearing foolish to me right now. So i have come to know that i need patience, determination and above all self motivation and discipline which i lacked before now. And now this article of your’s has also pointed me to that direction. Thanks Nial’
just in time when i need this very article. tnx
I Love You Nial….
You’re one of the BEST Gift from GOD in my life…
For my trading and my LIFE,
Thank You GOD for created Nial Fuller,
I don’t even know him,
He always in my heart…. And prayer.
A very motivational article!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Nial.
I can agree with everything you wrote in this article, but I’d like to ask you a question.
Did you never think about your role in the society? I mean: you’re a trader, you’re gaining your money and are free, but aren’t you a kind of social sponger? You don’t build anything, you don’t construct anything, you don’t heal, don’t rescue others, don’t make anything usefull for the society, your country etc.
OK, you’re teaching other people how to trade, but this way you bring up an army of… sponger. We won’t do anything usefull for the society and our countries, just like you.
Short in other words: I want to be a professional trader. I like it. But I wonder, if there comes a day when I will ask myself “what do you do for your environment? Are you usefull at all or just a non-working egoist?”.
Do you have no guilty conscience living this way, Nial?
interesting comment and I respect your ideas and views.
this is all about perception as well as knowledge.
consider 3 things
1 – successful traders and investors do add value to society by paying tax, giving money to charity, philanthropy etc.
2 – traders create liquidity for us to trade on (orders on the bid and offer), without traders the financial system as we know it basically collapses.
3 – for me personally, I have been able to do things and achieve things in my life that I would not have been able to do without the time, money and freedom created from the fruits of trading.
For me as a trader and a person,
Nial Fuller has giving me so much more than any other person could,
He saved me,
Body and Soul,
He is a sincere and generous teacher,
He is a great motivator,
And those are his priceless contribution to WORLD.
Nial, don’t prove to nobody…what does a monkey have for a show but to hop fro pillar to post?
I am a newbie that is searching for a speck of light that I can pursue.
Point me to it and tweet!there I dash.
Thank you for fronting to b my guide.
You ARE special
Here we are talking about “making money” as a trader that can be utilized for himself, family, social, etc. like all the other professions. The matter is that we should enjoy and keep spirit with our profession and having balance time for family, friendship, etc. So we understand which profession is best for our-self.
Awesome article Nial.
As I towards my goal of being a successful trader, my goal is working on me!
My favorite part of the article is that it takes “determination, persistence and most of all, discipline and patience” to become a successful trader, which is true about anything that is leading you to your best life!
Thanks for your selflessness Nial.
You rock!
brilliant. Thanks
May god bless u nial… tq.. tq… tq…
Nicee!.. Thanks Nial
Thank you Sir Nial for a motivating article. God bless you more.
Thank you, Nial, I really needed this. I have to admit being discouraged a lot of times for not having mastered the trade to have regular winning streaks, but then you write something like this and it gives me a fresh look at myself and the endless possibilities before me if I remain focused, disciplined, patient and determined to be a successful trader and enjoy that freedom you mention.
Thanks again
Thank you sir for the insight i am getting better by the day everytime i read your post i learn something
Very motivating article thanks Nial.
wow. Great thoughts.
I love it! Great Matrix comparison by the way.
Hi Nial,
Thank you for the article, I really feel pumped as I was reading the article. You are a true mentor. Keep up the folks work.
A smart article…yet so true.
After reading this article, and learn your course, I will apply what I learn and I will strive to be a profitable trader and achieve financial freedom.
If you need financial independent – read this article every night before you sleep
“I personally thank God for these kind of person Nial Fuller that they keeping up their role on this world as Forex mentor.”
Great article
the most liberating piece of info I ever read….no interview missiles to duck, no office politics, you define your own rules…wow!!
price action and money management knowledge are the point for to be rocker fx trader.. no pain no gain..
I grew up wanting to be a rockstar. At least I can rock being a trader now :D
Like the previous comment before me, it boggles me how you can come up with articles so regularly and catches the attention of all rockstars like myself.
Good man!!
Thanks Nial , for encouraging and motivational artical. you are really great .
Indeed one of most inspiring articles. This is totally why I chose to become a trader.
Trader = Freedom.
A very encouraging article.Thank you Nial.
Truly Nial, You captured the heart desire of many forex traders. We do not want to quit because the benefits of being a successful trader far outweighs the pain of loosing trading capital due to poor trading. However with your encouragement and mentoring one will grow into a professional Trader very soon.
thanks….needed to hear positive comments..am in agreement.
Strong article
awesome article…
I can see how you put in our heart to write any article. Thanks so much
Hi Nial,
Very nice article as always.
I’ve been following you for a while and will be join your training course soon.
I’ve been trying many make money online methods and stock trading in order to escape from my JOB, but it yet to succeed. Now I think I have found the light at the end of the tunnel.
Looking forward to learning from you Nial.
I am a retired bus driver. 40 years behind the wheel. I was basically my own boss. Loved that freedom. Needed something other than retirement and found Nial. Thank you for that. Thank you for the article. Thank you for being you.
Awesome !!! I do love this stuff.
Good day Nial,I use to tell people if acquiring a degree in school could take u 4 to 5 years which eventual aim is to make u money,I think years in learning forex is worth it.intensive fx trading can earn u beyond imagination even make u a millionaire.The requirements in forex are not stressful,low start up cost and can be done anywhere.Truely Nial,your honesty has been exalting u, and will keep exalting u,keep it up.
Hi Nial
It is so true when u give it is very fulfilling. Retiring to a simple life style humbles me.
All the ‘WANTS” disappears and I feel free. Trading is very lonely and your inspiring
words pep up my spirits and I take my winners and losers with both hands
Thanks and God Bless
This is a great article
Suggest a follow up article summarising other aspects which need to be addressed eg its necessary to develop interests outside of trading, the need for a buddy or three to share ideas with and who will listen to your problems, then we also have to be a friend and listen to others problems, take regular breaks and holidays etc
Trading is not the easiest profession as we need to be both the boss and worker and this can be a difficult mix
Thank You Nial for writing a few reasons down and “set the roots back to earth”.
Will keep this site to read it from time to time : )
Take care and
GOD bless you
Hi Prof.
On the last line of the whole article you cracked the code of life:
“Life is not fulfilling unless you can help others and make a difference in their lives, and that certainly is my aim through Learn To Trade The Market.”
Thank you once again Prof.
Everything is a mindset. If you are a consistent winner in life, you can be a consistent winner in trading. But you cannot be a consistent winner in trading if you are not a consistent winner in life. The best thing I love about trading it that I have grown so much, and become a better person. And had to come first.
Appreciating your article and all the work you do, Nial.
#so blessed.
Thanks Nial,givers never lack.
Great article, every single Point you mentioned I have thought about and agree and it’s nice to know someone else (a trader) is on the same page and serves as a good reinforcement.
Right on Nial, like I always say where do you have time to write such great articles.
Will say I am self-employed so do have more freedom then the 9-5 guy.
But you hit it right-on that’s my dream to be able to travel and trade and all I need is my laptop and an internet connection, gives me goose bumps just thinking about it.
cheers to you Nial’s buddy.
Vancouver, BC Canada
Thanks Nial.
It’s good to be reminded every now and again why trading is a great way of life.
I am still a beginner, but some day I will be trading full time from home!
Great article, Nail! Keep up the good work. All you have discussed are just the real facts.
you said it all Nial and this is inspriring.a mentor like you is very rare
Best motivational article on Forex trading. I couldn’t help smiling to myself as i read through. You have highlighted all the motivating thoughts that go on in my mind even when i was a struggling trader and now that i am consistently profitable, thanks to your tutorship and mentorship.
Thanks a trillion for ‘giving back’. I am among the many proud products of your noble decision to give back. To me, you are the best Forex coach and mentor.
May the Lord keep you and continue to guide you. Amen
Thank you Nial for sharing your knowledge with us
every word you say is helping me.
Thanks again!
One of my favorite articles bro. It’s like the “glue” that cements all the hard work together. Keep on motivating !
Excellent, Nial. I like the way you think.
Thanks Nial, you said it all. I have been employed for over 20years now. However since the last 8years I find my position getting up little by little, I have seen myself waking up with an alarm every morning and honestly this is one thing I hate to hear. Thank goodness that same period (8years ago) that I find my position getting bigger and more responsibilities give at my places of work, I got to know about Forex trading. I have made terrible mistakes while trading, losing so much money running into thousands of dollars.
I am however very happy that through your admonitions, I have learnt to be consistent, patient and more professional. Even when I have loosing trades, I keep hope very high that I will make more money. On resuming work this year, I funded a trading account and was able to make 100% profit within the first five days (Jan 5th to Jan 10th) and with that, I was able to solve so many problems that I was confronted with.
My aim now is to build up my forex account such that I will have no option than to quit my paid job and build up small faming business into a conglomerate.
One more aspect. This is on moral values. One can lead a very clean life. No bribing, no begging for getting some favours, no nepotism. One who proves his worth is the boss.
Feels like giving you a high five!! You amaze me with your train of thoughts….Mind blowing facts!
Great article, I like calling my own shots and the income can be from what ever you make it.
A $1000 to $50,000 per month or more, with Nial at our side the possibilities are endless.
Thanks Nial
spot on Nial
Thank you Nial for such an motivating story mondaymorning! Great help to stay motivated.
Looking fwd to your next one!
Excellent article Nial! There are several years I followed your approach.
Hi Nial. My first comment eventhough I read all your articles every single one of them.
You are dead on. We live in the matrix already, 9 to 5 lifestyles I always abhorred it given my rebellious nature I prefer to die right now than be employed. Why people go to the a Gulf countries? Higher salaries with a tight noose around their necks. People want the ready job offer / cubicle.
I was employed a total of 4 years in my life and after I had enough with people saying when I can go to lunch and when I can take my vacation I flipped and dropped this whole world of conformity once and for all.
In re to trading it is possible but it take years to be honest. I don’t want to discuss trading here but what you said of the whole world turned into one big sweat shop and it doesn’t matter the salary I was making 30k a month and I detested every moment of waking up on an alarm, I didn’t want the money nor the job anymore. Beware people if you want the easy in life by all means go and get it but this is not true happiness. I refuse to bow down to any woman or man or corporation in the morning or live as society tells me to as the real world is different from what they feed you in movies and songs.
This is a great article and a reminder that all goods things do not com eon a silver platter but rewarding at the end. Thanks for reminding me to hang in there.
I trade Forex more than 10 years and I agree with you 1000% !!!!
Great article Nial. Although being a full-time trader definitely not means that you are working less than the average 9-5 worker. But this will be true for anyone who is ‘self employed’.
I had so many mistake on my trading . Sometime, I had losing trade about constantly 10 trades and i felt bad. But I know what thing that I will get when I can be constantly profit trader. So, I won’t stop lernning from MR.Nial about trading until I can be successful trader, Although, I have been successful I will still learned from him.
life is to be lived, there are no rehearsals, this the best advice i have ever heard, thanks alot nial, you’re the best, when are you coming to chicago to do your seminar, just tell me when and i’ll be there.
This is a great article.Quiet rewarding and very helpful. When you have the reason for why, that will propel you forward no matter the challenges.
More grease to your elbow.
A true Masterpiece. Love you NIAL for your articles. I really sit the whole week looking for your articles, really tempting… Love your writing style and your trading style. It just made me feel like as a trader, i m something.
Very inspiring article Nial, as always. I agree with all points and remembering why i choose this path too.
That there is a very good article. I wonder how much time you spend coming up with these sort of articles so regularly.
Your decision to give back will surely make some of us better traders.