Your Forex Trading Journey Starts Here. . .
So you’ve been trading or researching the Forex market for a while now, you wake up each day and the first thing you think about is how bad you want to be a trader. You’ve thrown a few grand into your trading account that you’ve convinced yourself was truly risk capital and have had varying degrees of success thus far. You haven’t exactly made any serious money yet and your account is still hovering around breakeven; you did have a few killer trades but quickly gave all of your profits back to the market.
Your strong passion for trading and to become a professional trader is beginning to preoccupy your thoughts throughout the day and is beginning to cause your friends and family to question your sanity (I can hear you laughing!). You have now randomly ended up on my site (lucky you!) likely out of curiosity and ongoing Google searches about how to successfully trade the Forex market using price action, or possibly, you’re here out of desperation from enduring so many losses and can’t take it any more, you want answers!
You’ve come to the right place, because this article is going to explain how to get the most out of my website, so that you can get on the track to profitable trading as soon as possible. Ready? Let’s get started…
I know what you’re going through
Maybe you have made some decent money trading the forex market but are still not feeling confident with your method. Maybe you are looking for a more refined and logical way to trade that doesn’t require you to put so many lagging indicators on your charts that they look like modern abstract art. Or maybe you are frustrated with all the “magical” trading software and mechanical Forex robots that make big claims but produce little results.
The bottom line, is that you can at least take solace in the fact that you have arrived on my website; one of the most comprehensive sources you will ever find for learning how to successfully trade the Forex market with simple, effective, and relevant strategies. I have created this site for YOU; it is the culmination of years of real trading experience, trial and error, and finally arriving at the concept of simplicity. I was in your shoes once upon a time, always remember that we all have walked the same path at some point in our trading careers, and I am no better than you, and you no better than I, we are all searching and heading in the same direction with one common goal; to become consistently profitable traders.
How to use this website and get the most out of it
Let’s explore some steps on how you can use my website to expand your trading perspective and open your eyes to the beauty and power of simple price action strategies. There is no doubt a vast array of free Forex educational information on this website. The best way to go about digesting it all is in increments.
1) The first thing you should if you’re new to Forex trading is to be sure and take my free beginner’s Forex introduction course. It is brief and in my opinion, much more entertaining to read than any of the other Forex intro courses out there.
2) Don’t think by watching one or two of my videos or reading a few articles you are going to be able to master price action trading. Instead, take a couple hours after you get home from work each night (or morning or afternoon) and read a few articles under the Forex Articles or Forex Strategies section and maybe watch a Forex Training Video or two. Then on the weekend, or whatever days you have off from work, really sit down and spend some quality time watching my videos and reading the more of the instructional articles. Don’t stress yourself out over it, as I said, take in the material in increments and just do a little bit each day, but be consistent about it.
3) After you feel like you have a solid understanding of the concepts discussed in my free training materials, you might want to move on and further your price action trading knowledge by taking my advanced training courses and joining my members area. This is really where everything comes together and will start to “click” in your head for you and will allow you to put all the pieces together and get started testing your price action ability on a demo trading account.
Whatever you do, if you’re serious about Forex trading, do yourself a huge a favor and thoroughly examine this website, I have spent years building it for you and others like you…adding and updating content, making instructional Forex trading videos and developing a comprehensive trading course for those who want to advance and master my price action trading methods. You will notice my site is different from most other Forex educational websites, specifically in the quantity and quality of free material that I provide to the general public. I feel that by offering this free content, I build your trust and gain your respect, and remove any doubt in your mind that I am indeed an expert on the topic of price action trading.
Real-life trading
Let’s talk about real life trading for a minute here, I mean lets really step back and take an objective look at what you are doing in the market and what you can do to begin to change the way you think about trading. You have already made the first step by finding my website, if you thoroughly examine the pages and videos of this site you will begin to see the path towards trading success, but it will not happen overnight, I am not promising instant gratification here; I am different from most other trading educators, mainly because I tell it to you straight, with no sugar-coating.
If I had to give you one simple thing that you can do right now to help get you on the track to successful trading, it would be to learn how to trade your strategy on a demo account, or move back to a demo account if you have lost a lot of money and your trading feels like it’s ‘out of control’. Simply put, if you are not making money consistently, quarter after quarter, than you are not a pro yet; and as such, you are just gambling, you should take the time to learn from me or somebody like me, and practice for months on demo and master that style of trading before starting to trade with your hard-earned money.
I know what the end goal is because I have achieved it, and I know how it seems like something you are very close to obtaining, but right before you grab it, it slips just a little further away from you. I know what it’s like to be stuck in a rut of losing trades and to feel like the only way out is to trade more or risk more. The purpose of this site is to help you avoid getting stuck in this rut, or to help pull you out of it if you are currently in it.
A primary goal of any trader, is to develop or find a consistently effective trading method. You have probably driven yourself crazy trying to find the “holy grail” method or by trying to analyze every single economic indicator known to man. I was the exact same way when I first started trading, I didn’t know what worked and what didn’t, so I basically tried everything, and the one thing that kept jumping out at me was that all of the indicators and complicated software I was using were not making me any consistent money, enough was enough, and I removed all my indicators and started “trading naked” with a raw price chart. This is what “real life” trading is all about; analyzing price movement. Do you think the traders down in the trading pits of the major futures and stock exchanged are looking at MACD and Stochastics or other similar indicators? No! Of course not, and it even seems silly to think about them trying to do that because they are under such pressure and have to make quick and accurate decisions. Thus, they simply analyze the price movement or price action of the markets they trade…this is what the pros do and that is why I call it “real-life” trading…there is no “secret” no “short cut” and no “magic-bullet” trading system, analyzing and trading off price action IS as real as trading gets, and if you aren’t trading based off price action analysis, you are lying to yourself and wasting your time and money in the market.
Why do I run this website?
One question that I get on the email support line a lot is “Why do you do this at all Nial, why run this website if you’re a successful trader?”, this is a very legitimate question and so I will gladly answer it here for you right now. My main motivation for developing this site was out of the desire to give something back to struggling Forex traders across the world and also to personally train them in the proper ways to trade Forex. After all, there’s only so much you can do with your life when you don’t have a job and are liquid enough to do anything you want, the freedom and lack of routine catches up with you eventually, this site gives me purpose, routine and friendship, and it keeps me in touch with an immense volume of Forex traders around the world, it’s my grounding, but also my passion.
A personal note from me to you…
I’ve been there guys, all you struggling traders out there, you see I am no different from you except for the fact that I persevered long enough to figure out the intricacies of trading and what works and what doesn’t. I’ve done all the trial and error, lost thousands along the way, but I’ve come out the other end a better overall person and trader. Trading can be brutal if you do not approach it from the right perspective and totally believe that you can make money using a very simple method like price action.
Since becoming a full-time trader I have dedicated my life to helping other people succeed, simply because I know the frustration and I know the passion, I know how it all feels. My belief is that people who are really enthusiastic about trading contain certain personality traits that other people just does not have. Anyone that I have met that is really passionate about trading the market is always the type of person that is looking for more out of life than the usual 9 to 5 rat race where you work your life away making your boss rich while you just maintain a meager existence. This common desire for freedom and to fully experience life is what has brought us together and is why you have read this article.
The next step to take is to work on developing good trading habits and phasing out your old bad habits that have thus far caused you to fail at trading. You need to cleanse your mind from your past trading history; the best way to do this is to stop trading real money and focus on learning a real-life trading method like price action. It’s very difficult to think objectively when you have real money on the line, and if you find yourself hemorrhaging money in the markets then you are probably not in the right mindset and thus have no business trading with real money. Once you have stopped trading with real money and thoroughly went over most of the free material on my website and taken my advanced trading training course, then you should begin demo trading again until you prove to yourself that you can behave in a disciplined manner while trading. The price action strategies that I teach are very simple, effective and accurate, but they still need to be combined with a healthy dose of self-discipline in order to be consistently profitable.
I encourage you to read on, explore this website, as you are now on the right path, the path to learning something real and of being in the presence of a mentor with no salesman-esque “big claims” of overnight success or hocus-pocus trading robots (how ridiculous are those Forex robots? Seriously, lol). If you feel like you want to take it to the next level after digesting some of my free material than consider My Pro Forex Course, Forum and Trade Setups Commentary, upon purchase of the course you get me as your trading mentor and a ton of other great perks well worth the money I charge. You should know, that unlike so many other education vendors out there, I am always one email away and will respond to your questions and messages promptly. In between trading and living my mobile lifestyle, I have a great deal of free time, and this website allows me to fill that time up with something productive and rewarding, I hope to hear from you soon.
– Nial Fuller
I haven’t read a more heartfelt and insightful article for a long time. Honestly. Thank you very much for everything you do and for the whole site, Nial.
Excellent website!
Hi Nial,
Thank you for in the few days I have been a member have read and learned a lot. I have a history of losing money in FX trading.This is just like my golf which was very ordinary for a long time till I met and started paying a golf pro to teach me. My handicap went from 20 to 10 within a few months. It is amazing how another person is able to see and correct your faults.
Your course is the best investment I have made in a long time.
Look forward to a long relationship with you.
Best regards,
Thank you for the great site.
I’m still exploring here after I heard about you from a friend.
I have no words to say how good you are,
Thank you Sir
Superb as usual nial. Should be the first article directed to on your site, solid foundation to build on.
Have a good Easter Nail!!!
Very nice Mr. Fuller =)
So true about the 5 to 9 job thing ^^
Hello Mr. Fuller
Good introductory and welcome to your website.
Yes,you can’t be more correct than this article’s title…
My trading journey re-start here!!!
Your article has scraped my mushed and flattened self off the pavement. I feel I’m ready to give it a go again. Charts are wiped clean, no cash in account, demo only until I’m consistently making profitable trades. Lets Do This!
Thanks Nial!
YESSSS! your the man nial
Im a 18 year old from SA and have been looking for some one like you, someone that has succeded his goals and has not much better than to help others out.
I will follow all your articals and toutorials till i eventually become a member.
I’m one of these which have made some money trading the forex market but I felt that something is wrong with all of these indicators and I didn’t feel confident. So I took the “red pill” and here I am.
I stopped trading real money 2 months ago and I have to say that it was the best thing that I made to clear my mind and left my old bad habits behind me. I have read I guess everything on this great web site + made my own money management plan & trading plan and I would like to say that I already found my “holy grail :)” it’s your free material + your Pro Forex Course.
As Jeff said: “the BEST forex investment I’ve EVER made”
THX Nial for everything and please keep going…
Great article! Deja-Vu (sometimes all over again!) But I’m experiencing much improved results since beginning your course a year ago. THAT was the BEST forex investment I’ve EVER made!
Thanks for the interesting article Nial… to quote your good self – “and I removed all my indicators and started “trading naked” with a raw price chart.” – This is me just two weeks ago!
I have studied the forex markets for about three years now, by my own admission i got to the point where i could see that “all these indicators” were just confusing the matter. What a relief it was to delete them all !
Understanding actual price action is where i felt “real” forex trading is at. Thus, i am pleased to say i have discovered your site and look forward to digesting it all and then getting signed up to your course.
Nial, You are a true “gentleman and a scholar” as we say over here in old blighty (UK)
I really respect the way that you don’t make ridiculous claims yet provide strategies that can be replicated. You also provide a way of viewing the market that puts those stragtegies into context – I am very thankful for all your free help and I have decided that when/if I can demoe trade for 2 months in profit I will join your course – If I can’t manage to do that on what you have provided for free then I won’t ever be able to do it ! Thanks for giving so much Nial – I also think you have a real skill in explaining things clearly and simply…….
thanks nial i hv your aticle great work keep it up.
Hey Nial, Just wanna say that I have learnt so much from you and appreciate all your work and the free material from your website. I have your website opened every single day of my week to check out your thoughts and guidance.
Heaps thanks mate… Steen
GREAT ARTICLE!!! After going through your material I understand that price action is truly the best way to trade the forex market period in my opinion!
Thanks for doing what you do for us Nial it’s greatly appreciated! ;-)
Hello Nial,
Thank you for the “Trading Journey” Article.
I do well in the Demo account, but have a hard time becoming profitable in my Real account! Not about to give up.
Back to my Demo account for now.
Great article Nial, just what I needed right now..
Thanks Nial,You hit the nail right on the head.I appreciate your continued support.
Thank you Nial
It was Great ;)
You really spoke from my heart!
Thanks for the article Nial – Great !!
i have been in the position of failure where by i almost loss everything from the capital i had invest..still in my heart telling me that before u reach to the place of successful is you need to fall first so then you will learn from mistake to not repeat it again for future bright.. thank you for sharing.. :)